Pelosi, Trump and impeachment: How the speaker got to ‘yes’

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mr. President, she told him, “Undo it.”

With those two words, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi offered Donald Trump one last chance to avoid becoming only the fourth president in office to face impeachment proceedings .

By then, it was too late.

The night before, she already had started handwriting a draft of the speech she would deliver to the nation.

UN chief: terrorist threat is ‘unprecedented’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Latest on the U.N. General Assembly’s annual gathering of world leaders (all times local):

9:30 p.m.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is warning that the world is facing “an unprecedented threat from intolerance, violent extremism and terrorism” that affects every country, exacerbating conflicts and destabilizing entire regions.

The U.N. chief said “the new frontier is cyber-terrorism — the use of social media and the dark web to coordinate attacks, spread propaganda and recruit new followers.”

Walmart’s Sam’s Club launches health care pilot to members

NEW YORK (AP) — Walmart’s Sam’s Club is teaming up with several health care companies to offer discounts on everyday care its customers might delay or skip because of the cost.

Starting early October, Sam’s Club members in Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, will be able to buy one of four bundles of health care services ranging in annual fees from $50 for individuals to $240 for a family of up to six members. The pilot program could potentially be rolled out to members in all the states, says Lori Flees, senior vice president of Sam’s Club Health and Wellness.

Mideast conflicts, Brexit to take center stage at UN

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the threat posed by Iran and Britain’s fraught exit from the European Union are likely topics Thursday as world leaders gather for a third day of speeches at the United Nations.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and diplomats from Israel and Saudi Arabia, which blames Tehran for an attack on its key oil sites, are expected to push their causes.

Iran has denied any involvement in the Saudi strike, which jolted global oil prices and temporarily knocked out nearly 6% of daily global crude oil production.

Memo: Trump prodded Ukraine leader to investigate Bidens

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than once, President Donald Trump brought up how much the U.S. has done for Ukraine.

Time and again, he asked Ukraine’s president for help.

There was no explicit quid pro quo in Trump’s half-hour phone call with Volodymyr Zelenskiy last July. But it wouldn’t have been a stretch to make a connection between Trump’s pleas for help and his mentions of U.S. assistance.

“We do a lot for Ukraine,” Trump said at one point.

“Do us a favor,” he asked at another.

US intelligence boss threatens to resign if couldn’t speak freely to Congress

Acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire has threatened to resign over concerns that the White House may force him to stonewall Congress when testifying on Thursday about a whistleblower complaint on president Trump.

According to Washington Post, this revelation reflects the extraordinary tensions between the White House and the nation’s highest-ranking intelligence official over a matter that has triggered impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

‘We’re all in big trouble’: Climate panel sees a dire future

NEW YORK (AP) — Earth is in more hot water than ever before, and so are we, an expert United Nations climate panel warned in a grim new report Wednesday.

Sea levels are rising at an ever-faster rate as ice and snow shrink, and oceans are getting more acidic and losing oxygen, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in a report issued as world leaders met at the United Nations.

Iran president warns of a region ‘on the edge of collapse’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Iran’s president used the world’s stage on Wednesday to warn that security in the Persian Gulf could unravel with a “single blunder” and its fragile peace be guaranteed only by the region’s countries, not through U.S. intervention or Washington’s “merciless economic terrorism.”

President Hassan Rouhani accused the United States of engaging in “international piracy” against his country by re-imposing economic sanctions after Washington withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Washington plunges into Trump impeachment investigation

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump pressed the leader of Ukraine to “look into” Joe Biden, Trump’s potential 2020 reelection rival, as well as the president’s lingering grievances from the 2016 election, according to a rough transcript of a summer phone call that is now at the center of Democrats’ impeachment probe.

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