
Business & Economy

India: 121 polluting units demolished in Ghaziabad since Oct 15

Ghaziabad, Oct 27 (PTI) A total of 121 polluting factories have been razed in Ghaziabad's Loni town since October 15, with a dozen units being demolished on Tuesday, District Magistrate Ajay Shankar Pandey said.

To contain air pollution, the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) has been implemented in Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) from October 15.

Pandey told PTI that the district administration is taking all steps to curb air pollution, with polluting units being demolished and hefty fines being imposed on violators.

BP starts gas production from Egypt field

27 Oct 2020; MEMO: British Petroleum (BP) has started production of natural gas from Kattameyeh field in the north of Egypt, local media reported yesterday.

Production of natural gas started in this field, which is located in the North Damietta offshore concession area, in partnership with the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS).

Arab trade groups boycott French products over insults

26 Oct 2020; MEMO: Several Arab trade groups have announced their boycott of French products in response to incitements against the Islamic religion and insulting statements against Prophet Muhammad, Anadolu reports.

Arab activists also launched several social media campaigns for the boycott of all French products, using several hashtags as #boycottfrance #boycott_French_products #ProphetMuhammad.

China to impose sanctions on U.S. firms, individuals, entities over Taiwan arms sales

BEIJING, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- A foreign ministry spokesperson said on Monday China has decided to impose sanctions on relevant U.S. enterprises involved in the latest arms sales to Taiwan as well as individuals and entities playing a "vile role" in the process, as "necessary steps" to protect its national interests.

Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a daily press briefing when responding to a related query. The U.S. companies concerned include Lockheed Martin, Boeing Defense and Raytheon.

US calls on Egypt to not to use China telecoms infrastructure

26 Oct 2020; MEMO: The United States has called on the Egyptian government not to allow Chinese companies to help establish the country’s 5G telecommunications infrastructure.

In an official statement, the American embassy in Egypt urged Cairo to join the US so-called “Clean Network” programme to obtain 5G from what it described as “reliable partners”. The embassy added that the network was “the path which most global developed economies follow to obtain the 5G technology.”

Israel attacks Turkey, renews full support for Greece

25 Oct 2020; MEMO: Israel strongly attacked Turkey and renewed its full support for Greece regarding the East Mediterranean crisis, The New Khalij reported on Friday.

According to The New Khalij, an official Israeli Twitter account run by the Foreign Ministry posted: “Israel is following the latest developments in the East Mediterranean. Some unilateral measures taken by Turkey could undermine the fragile stability in the region.”

Turkey extends exploration in disputed Mediterranean area to November 4

25 Oct 2020; MEMO: Turkey has issued another navigational telex, or Navtex, for the area in the Eastern Mediterranean where it will conduct seismic research activities until November 4, Reuters reports.

According to the announcement late on Saturday, the mission, which will be carried out by the Oruc Reis seismic research vessel, will continue for 10 days starting Sunday.

Jailed British entrepreneur sues Saudi royals for unpaid debts

24 Oct 2020; MEMO: Some prominent members of the Saudi Arabian royal family are being sued by British entrepreneur Gary Arnold for their alleged failure to honour a deal that has left him facing imprisonment.

The 50 year old, who developed his fish and chips franchise to 36 branches across Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other parts of the Middle East, was arrested in Dubai this week over unpaid debts which he blames on the failure of Saudi royals to keep their part of a legally-binding deal.

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