Egypt prepares to receive its 4th German submarine in 2021

 209 - 1400mod submarine S44

24 Sep 2020; MEMO: The Egyptian Navy is preparing to receive the fourth and final Type 209/1400mod submarine (S44) from Germany in 2021, the New Khaleej reported yesterday.

German reports said, according to the news site, that the Egyptian army had received special training on how to submerge the vessel into the sea.

On 9 April, Egypt received the third Type 209/1400mod submarine (S43). Egypt and German signed a contract for the delivery of two submarines, and in 2015, Cairo ordered two more.

Egypt’s new Type 209 submarines have a range of 11,000 nautical miles, a top speed of 21 knots and displacement of over 1,400 tonnes.

They have eight 21-inch torpedo tubes and are able to carry and launch up to 14 missiles and torpedoes, in addition to deploying naval mines.