Middle East & North Africa

U.S. Secretary of State in Baghdad for talks with Iraqi leaders

BAGHDAD, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Baghdad on a surprise visit to meet with Iraqi leaders to discuss bilateral relations and cooperation, an Iraqi official television reported on Wednesday.

Pompeo met with the Iraqi Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi and is expected to meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi and other top officials, the state-run Iraqiya channel said.

Smoking still big problem in Turkey despite strengthened bans

ANKARA, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- Turkey has made progress on tobacco control in recent years with bans, regulations, media campaigns and health programs, yet smoking is still a big and lingering problem in the country.

"Smoke like a Turk," the expression defining the entrenched habit of the Turkish population to smoke, is in fact no more since a draconian but popular ban was imposed a decade ago.

U.S. pullout from Syria must be planned carefully: Erdogan

ANKARA, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. withdrawal from Syria must be planned carefully and performed in cooperation with the right partners to protect itself, the international community and Syrian people, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said late Monday.

In an op-ed published by the New York Times, Erdogan said that his country is the only one "with the power and commitment to perform that task."

Regarding the efforts to completely defeat the Islamic State (IS), Erdogan said that Turkey expects international support in its bid to eliminate the group.

Israel strikes Hamas targets in northern Gaza

JERUSALEM, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli military said on Monday that it struck the northern Gaza Strip overnight in retaliation for the rocket fire toward southern Israel.

A military spokesperson said in a statement that fighter jets and an attack helicopter struck several targets at a military camp belonging to Hamas that runs Gaza.

The strike came in the wake of rocket fire toward the coastal city of Ashkelon and Hof Ashkelon Regional Council in the Southern District of Israel. The rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-rocket system.

Heavy snow in NW Turkey causes flight delays, cancellations in Istanbul

ISTANBUL, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- Heavy snowfall in northwestern Turkey have caused flight delays and cancellations in Istanbul on Monday.

In a warning issued on its website, Turkish Airlines, the national flag carrier, called on its passengers to regularly check their flight details before arriving at airports, citing "expected adverse weather conditions in Istanbul."

Ukraine Orthodox church gains independence from Russia

05 Jan 2019; DW: It's official: An independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine has been born with the blessing of Patriarch Bartholomew I. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko heralded the split from Russia, but Moscow is less than pleased.

The Orthodox Church of Ukraine was formally granted independence at a ceremony in Istanbul on Saturday, completing a historic split from Russian religious control that had been ongoing since 1868.

Syria urges UNSC to condemn western coalition’s airstrikes on civilian settlements

TASS, January 5. The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent a message seeking to condemn airstrikes of the western coalition in the Deir ez-Zor province to the UN Security Council on Saturday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Saturday. The message noted that over 20 civilians living in the settlements of Al-Kashkia and Al-Shafaa including four children were killed over the past two days of airstrikes.

Turkish defense, aerospace industry exports grow 17pct

ANKARA; 05 Jan 2019; AA: Turkey's aerospace and defense industry exports surged 17 percent year-on-year in 2018.

According to data compiled from Turkish Exporters Assembly by Anadolu Agency, the sector's exports surpassed the target of $2 billion last year, hitting a record high level of $2.035 billion.

The defense and aerospace industry showed the best performance in terms of growing exports, among all sectors in 2018.

El-Sissi says Egypt, Israel cooperate against militants

CAIRO (AP) — U.S. television network CBS says Egypt’s president has told it in an interview that his country and Israel, with whom it fought four wars, are cooperating against Islamic militants in the Sinai Peninsula.

Excerpts from the interview released by CBS over the weekend also quote President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi as denying there are political prisoners in Egypt, where he has overseen one of the largest crackdowns on dissent in the country’s modern history.

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