U.S. Senate confirms envoy for DPRK as deputy secretary of state

Stephen Biegun

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Stephen Biegun, U.S. special representative for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), as deputy secretary of state.

Biegun will replace John Sullivan, who was confirmed last week by the Senate as new U.S. ambassador to Russia.

The State Department reportedly hasn't set the time for the two men to assume their new posts yet.

Biegun, 56, has led the working-level denuclearization talks with the DPRK since he took his current post in 2018.

Biegun's confirmation came amid rising speculation that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is considering leaving his current post to run for a Senate seat as the 2020 election cycle looms.