India: Big robbery committed at trader's office

KANPUR:  A big robbery in a distributor’s office at Collectorganj here was committed on Sunday night. This office was located on the third floor of Plaza building just at a stone’s throw from the Nayaganj Police Post. The police could not sense the theft. The traders said if the police personnel were on night patrolling this burglary would perhaps not have happened.

The thieves walked away with about fifty Lakh rupees in cash while they left behind currency notes of small denominations. The police conducted a preliminary round of investigation by the dog squad and collected fingerprints. The police also took a few suspects into custody.

According to the news reports, Kusum Kumar Sethia, r/o Anandpuri runs an office on the third floor of Plaza building as a distributor of the tobacco company. Following payments received from his clients, he could not deposit the amounts on the bank. Therefore he kept the money in the office locker safely.

On Monday when the manager Dilip Kumar opened the office he was stunned to see split into office grills. He quickly informed Kusum Kumar Sethia who also found the locker was opened and the money was stolen.

Besides, the locks of four other shops were also broken. The shop owners checked and found the locks were cut but the things were safe. This indicated the thieves did this trick in order to confuse the police. It was as police believed the thieves carried out the theft only after knowing everything. They took away cash while other things were not stolen.