India: Farmer faces pangs of suicides

KANPUR: A farmer's family faced pangs of suicides one after another in Bidhnu. Less than a month ago the farmer's daughter had died. This tragedy doubled with the son's suicide on Tuesday evening. His dead body was found hanging on a tree outside the village. The mother was not consolable.

According to news reports, Banshi Lal,  farmer, belonged to Village Jaam in Bidhnu area. He had been living in the village along with his wife Urmila, Rambhawan (22-year-old son) and Kiran (daughter). The daughter after her brawl with the husband hanged herself to death on December 22, 2018. Though both the father and the son proceeded for the field, they could not return together in the evening. He learnt from the villagers that his son's dead body was hanging on Imli tree. Police sent the body for the post-mortem.