India: Three sisters bring laurels to city

KANPUR: It was not the first time in the family. The girls of this household have earned credits earlier too. They are five sisters and now boast of their honour at the state level. Their entries were accepted for selection this year too. Two of them had been awarded in the past but handicraft entries of three sisters were chosen this time. Thus this family has earned laurels and brought fame to the name of the city.     

City’s three sisters have been honoured with excellence awards in handicrafts at the hands of State Governor Ram Naik and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on the occasion of UP Day at Awadh Shilp Gram in Lucknow recently.

They received not only the certificate of excellence but were also honoured with a cash prize on the occasion. Residents of Nai Basti, Shivnagar Maswanpur in the city areas, Meena Gupta, Ranjana Gupta and Reena Gupta have received a total cash award of Rs 75,000.

All the five daughters have submitted their handiworks. Two of them were chosen for Dakshta award while one was selected in State award category. Memento and a cheque of Rs 20,000 were given to each of the two sisters.

Meena Gupta secured State award with a cheque of Rs 35000. Reena has got an excellence award for the first time. Two daughters Kiran and Jyoti had got State award in the past. This has sent a wave of happiness in the family.