India: KESCO officers dangle between scyulla & charybdis

KANPUR: Whether it was Avon Company or Genus Company, both supplied bad quality meters. This equipment did not last long till the guarantee period of 5.5 years. The poor performance exposed the quality of electricity meters which were never so good in quality.

According to the sources, three-phase electricity meter supplied by the Genus Company began to develop faults prior to its guarantee period. It was just the same case with the Avon Company’s meters. These two companies have brought troubles to the KESCO officers and they were taking the poor quality of meters in a very serious way.

Seeing the matter taking an ugly turn the KESCO officers came into timely action. Not only was a notice issued to the Genus Company against the imperfections but its security amount worth Rs 46 Lakh was also seized at once. Just the same action was initiated against the Chandigarh-based Avon Company by seizing its security amount and blacklisting it straight away.

As many as 1600 electricity meters of the Genus Company was changed. A total of 6800 meters were purchased by the Kanpur Electricity Supply Company. With the matter’s flare reaching up to the UPPCL the KESCO officers’ embarrassing position appeared like between the devil and the deep blue sea.