E-rickshaw training schools' license to be cancelled

KANPUR: E-rickshaw training schools’ license will be cancelled for its deceptive ways. Taking cognizance of the matter the Regional transport office initiated an enquiry into the fraud. Several vital unfavourable facts were collected in course of this departmental investigation.

These pieces of evidence were startling as the officials learnt about the deceiving methods. Without providing thorough training about the lightweight vehicle, these centres got the practice of issuing training certificates.

Sanjay Singh, ARTO (Admin) said a decision to initiate the process of the training centres’ license cancellation has been taken.  A recommendation to this effect has also been sent to the Head office.

 According to the sources, there were running three certified training schools in the city areas. Following exposure of the fraud, at least two training schools were supposed to lose its license. However, the department officials maintained that there would be registered new training schools in order to ease the trouble of the e-rickshaw holders they have faced in securing the essential paper of the driving license.

If we look at the figure of the plying of the e-rickshaws on the city roads it genuinely comes to a total registered number of 10,000. While as many as 3000 non-registered e-rickshaws were moving in the city. Besides there were as many as 6000 driving license holders were untrained.