U.S. sanctions "piece of waste paper": liaison office of Chinese central gov't in HKSAR


HONG KONG, July 17 (Xinhua) -- The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Saturday strongly condemned the U.S. government for smearing Hong Kong's business environment and imposing so-called sanctions on officials of the office.

The liaison office, in a statement, called the sanctions "a piece of waste paper" and a "boring political performance", saying "its hegemonic acts are doomed to fail."

The U.S. move seriously damaged international laws and basic norms governing international relations, and posed a blatant challenge to the Chinese government and people, the liaison office said.

The U.S. government on Friday issued a so-called "advisory" to U.S. businesses and individuals operating in Hong Kong and imposed sanctions on a number of officials of the liaison office.

While Hong Kong faced the most severe situation since it returned to the motherland, it was the central authorities that took resolute actions to put "one country, two systems" back on track and help Hong Kong return from chaos to stability, the liaison office said.

In contrast, some U.S. politicians have been colluding with instigators of Hong Kong riots in an attempt to launch a "color revolution", the liaison office said, noting that they are the true destroyer of Hong Kong's democracy, freedom and high degree of autonomy.

After its political plots failed, the United States tried to disrupt Hong Kong's economic development by issuing the advisory, the liaison office said.

As a central government agency in Hong Kong, the liaison office assumes responsibilities strictly in accordance with the Constitution and the HKSAR Basic Law, and the U.S. sanctions on its officials will be useless, the office said.

The liaison office said it will firmly implement the central government's overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong, support the administration of the HKSAR government, safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and push for the enduring success of "one country, two systems."

Hong Kong is a part of China and any interference in Hong Kong affairs and any plots to contain China's development are doomed to fail, the liaison office said.