China: Wang Yi meets Afghan Taliban delegation in Tianjin

Wang Yi

BEIJING, July 28 (APP): Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday met a delegation of Afghan Taliban led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in north China’s Tianjin Municipality and said China was ready to play a constructive role in peace and reconciliation process of Afghanistan, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian confirmed.

Wang Yi said, “Afghanistan is China’s largest neighbour. We respect the sovereignty and integrity of Afghanistan. We don’t interfere in internal affairs of Afghanistan,” Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing while sharing details of the meeting between Chinese foreign minister and Afghan Taliban delegation.

Wang Yi told the delegation that China followed friendly policy towards the people of Afghanistan, and as Afghanistan belonged to the Afghan people, therefore, its future was in the hands of its people.

The Chinese foreign minister said after the hasty withdrawal by the United States troops and other NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies, the Afghan people were faced with new opportunities of grasping the development of their own nation in their own hands.
“Afghanistan is an important military power and China is ready to play a constructive role in peace and reconciliation process of Afghanistan,” Wang Yi said.

During the talks, Wang Yi hoped that the relevant sides in Afghanistan could go ahead with peace talks, follow an inclusive policy. The relevant factions and groups in Afghanistan should implement the principle of Afghan-owned and Afghan-led approach and strive for substantive outcomes at an early date and build a political architecture suited to its own national conditions, he added.

The Chinese foreign minister said the East Turkistan Independence Movement (ETIM) was a listed international terrorist organization that threatened China’s national security and territorial integrity and fighting the ETIM was a common cause of international community.
He expressed the hope that Taliban could draw a clear line between themselves and the ETIM, which would create a favourable condition to eradicating terrorism.

Mullah Baradar expressed appreciation to the Chinese side and said China was a trustworthy friend.

The head of Afghan Taliban delegation appreciated China’s fair and positive role in the reconciliation process in Afghanistan and said Afghanistan had the sincerity in reaching reconciliation and would like to build architecture that was acceptable to all factions.
He said Afghanistan would ensure rights of women and children, and added, “The Afghan people will not allow anyone to use the territory to do things that would undermine interests of its people.”

He said Afghanistan would like to have friendly ties with its neighbours and the Afghan Taliban would like to have more partners in its future development.

“The Afghan Taliban would also create an enabling environment for incoming investment and would make relevant efforts in this regard,” he added

On same day, China’s Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Jiangho also held talks with Baradar and his delegation. They exchanged views on issues of common concern and improve mutual understanding and consensus.