EC's toll-free number has no value!

KANPUR: Nothing has changed after the start of the toll-free number 1950. This phone number was arranged for providing information to the common voter. But it was sad to say the real purpose was not achieved so far.

It will be worthwhile to mention here that the State Election Office had set up this facility for the voter’s advantage. As we know it very well it was initiated with much pomp and show in the past days. Now it has been proving unattainable to those for whom it was set up in the previous days.

The lines connected to the given number were not working properly. For the last two days, all the routes are totally defunct. In a period of one week, as many as 30 complaints were lodged. None of those complaints has been addressed. Neither the voice recorder nor linking process was fixed. This situation has made voters anxious and angry..

Another valuable and commonly used number 100 appeared to have failed too. It was not even concealed from the authorities concerned. K Singh, deputy district election officer assured that rectification of the faults and flaws was being taken up by the BSNL and the toll-free number would sooner be functional.