India: Bride elopes before wedding rites

KANPUR: Why did I marry him? She groaned, burying her powdered face into her palms and rubbing her nose against the neck of the fabric covering her head. She eloped with her lover on Valentine’s Day exactly. She made an excuse for her ill health which made her family members admit at the hospital for proper treatment. But they remained unaware of the very fact. The worst part of it was that she did not  accept the groom of her family choice. She prepared herself for ignoring the parents’ wish. Those remained present at the wedding programme felt as if a film scene was enacted.

The groom at the bride’s house arrived for the ceremonial rites. Along with the guests he was also awaiting her arrival at the decorated mandap for taking the essential seven rounds before the fire-god. But his luck was not favourable with him. Amid the entire pervading situation the bride on the pretext of her illness found time to elope with her lover. When this news unexpectedly reached the guests and others, there was only chaos and discontent. Varied kinds of negotiations started between both the parties ending in an agreement lastly. The groom’s guests returned without the bride. None informed the police of this delicate matter.

According to the reports, the groom arrived from a village Bella in Auriyya district. The bride made an excuse of sickness which led her relatives to admit her in the hospital. Taking advantage of the situation the bride ran off along with his valentine. There was started a frantic search throughout the time the guests remained present. The groom was somewhat hopeful of the bride’s arrival. Rumour of her elopement was spread like wildfire in the village.

Sensing the gravity of the matter, the groom’s side looked disturbed and surprised. Elders of the bride’s side also applied their mighty brains to solve the complicated condition. Anyhow they succeeded in controlling the worsening charged situation. It was reported that the amicable accord reached on the exchange of money power. Although the police were not informed of the whole story yet the Kotwali in-charge TP Singh maintained that the mutual understanding stopped further ill will.