China provided about 800 mln doses of COVID-19 vaccines to world: Vice FM

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BEIJING, Aug 13 (APP): China has provided the world with about 800 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to help people cope with the pandemic, especially those in developing countries, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said on Friday.

China is fulfilling its commitment to make vaccines a global public good with practical actions, he said while briefing more than 160 representatives and ambassadors from international organizations and embassies.

He pointed out that since the onset of COVID-19, acting on the vision of a global community of health for all, China has shared response experience with the international community in a timely manner, provided anti-COVID assistance to the world to the best of its ability, and taken the lead in conducting the largest scale global vaccine cooperation, thus making an outstanding contribution to global public health security.

China has all along taken a scientific attitude as it engages in global cooperation
on science-based origin-tracing.

Ma Zhaoxu said China invited WHO experts to China twice for origin-tracing research. In March this year, WHO officially released the Joint Report by the
WHO-China joint study team, which provides the most authoritative, professional
and science-based conclusions on origin-tracing and sets out detailed recommendations for future work in origin-tracing.

Chinese experts also took the initiative to submit to WHO China’s proposal
on the second phase of origin-tracing.

He stressed that the virus knows no borders and does not distinguish between races. China, like other countries, is a victim of the pandemic, and we all hope to find out the origin of the virus and cut off its transmission as early as possible.

Given the ongoing spread and rebound of the virus, the priority remains to be stepping up equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and enhancing solidarity and cooperation.

Origin-tracing cooperation must be based on science, and politicization must be firmly rejected. China will work with other parties to carry out science-based global origin-tracing, and contribute China’s part to humanity’s final victory over COVID-19, he said.

Liang Wannian gave a detailed account of the origin-tracing work by the WHO international team in China, highlighting the scientific and authoritative nature of the findings and key recommendations of the joint study report.

Yuan Zhiming briefed on the coronavirus research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and refuted the “Wuhan lab leak”, theory with facts.

From the perspective of medical science, Academician Xu Jianguo explained the scientific requirements and complexity of origin-tracing as well as the necessity to study virus transmission via cold chain.

Zhang Honggang reviewed China’s studies on origin-tracing and the global
origin-tracing research, referring in particular to the early cases found in multiple countries and regions. Gu Jinhui gave an account of China’s active cooperation with WHO and explained China’s proposal for the next phase of origin-tracing.