Remains of more Chinese martyrs in Korean War to be returned

BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- The remains of more Chinese soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean War will be returned to China from the Republic of Korea (ROK) in September, said China's Ministry of Veterans Affairs on Sunday.

It will be the eighth batch of martyrs' remains returned since 2014, following a handover agreement signed by the two countries.

A burial ceremony will be held in the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) martyrs' cemetery in the city of Shenyang, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on Sept. 3, after the aircraft carrying the remains is scheduled to land at a Shenyang airport on Sept. 2, the ministry said.

Ceremonies will also be held in the ROK before the remains of the fallen soldiers were returned to China.

The CPV fought with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Army in the Korean War against the ROK army and U.S.-led UN forces.

Almost 200,000 CPV soldiers were confirmed killed in the war, with most buried on the Korean Peninsula.