AIPAC angry at removal of $1bn Israel military aid from US spending bill

22 Sep 2021; MEMO: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) yesterday condemned the removal of $1 billion in military aid intended for Israel from the US government's spending bill.

This came after the US House of Representatives removed the article related to the military fund for Israel's Iron Dome missile defence system after a number of progressive Democrats threatened they would not allow the bill to pass.

Angered, AIPAC wrote on Twitter: "Extremists in Congress are playing politics with Israeli & Palestinian lives."

"Calling to remove funding for a lifesaving defensive system is an affront to our values, risks further conflict, and is counter to the commitment made by Biden & supported by Congressional leadership."

The Israel lobbying group claimed: "It's simple: Iron Dome saves lives. Blocking funding for Iron Dome helps terrorists kill civilians."

During the recent Israeli offensive on Gaza, Israel's occupation army launched about 4,500 Iron Dome missiles to intercept rockets launched from Gaza. The United States has already provided more than $1.6 billion for Israel to develop and build the Iron Dome system, according to a US Congressional Research Service report last year. The funding reflects perennially strong support for aid to Israel among both Democrats and Republicans.

Meanwhile, Gaza has no defence system against the most developed bombs dropped by Israel on homes and civilians which killed 260 people during the latest offensive, including more than 65 children.