Chinese FM attends CICA foreign ministers' meeting

Wang Yi

BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Tuesday attended the sixth foreign ministers' meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) via video link in Beijing.

Noting China has always been a participant and promoter of the CICA process, Wang said China stands ready to make new and greater contributions to promoting CICA cooperation.

"In the face of the profound epidemic situation and global changes unseen in a century, the CICA should keep pace with the times, leverage its cooperation advantages, enrich its cooperation practices, and contribute its wisdom and strength to the building of an Asian community with a shared future," Wang said.

He called on all parties to continue to deepen anti-epidemic cooperation, work together to maintain security and stability, actively promote economic recovery, and firmly practice multilateralism.

Wang emphasized that the continuous expansion of the CICA partnership network is a growing force for progress in the international community and will inject positive energy into the democratization of international relations. He said China is willing to work with all parties to deepen and consolidate the CICA process in the post-epidemic era, jointly promote regional development and stability, and work together to build an Asian community with a shared future.

The theme of the meeting is Asian security and sustainable development in the post-COVID-19 era.