US unlikely to pressure Sudan to proceed with Israel normalisation

 Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan

31 Oct 2021; MEMO: The US is unlikely to pressure the Sudanese military regime to normalise ties with Israel, The Times of Israel reported a senior US official statement on Friday.

General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan was part of the decision to normalise relations with Israel, the US official said, but the US did not see that the current situation was encouraging enough to move ahead.

Al-Burhan has ousted the allegedly civil government that has been leading a transition period following the ousting of former President Omar Al-Bashir.

"[The Abraham Accords are] good for the whole – good for Sudan, it's good for the region," the official was reported by The Times of Israel as saying.

"But I just do not see us pushing a military government on this issue right now, given the fact that we do not see Sudan being stable as long as there's a military domination," the official added.

According to the Israeli daily, the US official said that Washington is "really concerned" about the potentially harsh response to the Saturday demonstrations called for against the military coup.

"The Sudanese people are preparing to take to the streets tomorrow in protest of the military overthrow and we call on the security forces to refrain from any and all violence against protesters and to fully respect the citizens' right to demonstrate peacefully," the official added.

"I think this is going to be a real indication of what the military's intentions are and what, unfortunately, the casualty account could be," he explained.

The official warned that the military, led by Burhan, could try to prevent demonstrations entirely or close roads and bridges.