India: President shows reverence to his teachers

KANPUR: The poet’s lines, GURU, GOVIND DOU KHADE, KAKE LAGU PAON BALIHARI GURU AAPNE, GOVIND DIO BATAYE, livened up with the President’s display of reverence and respect to his teachers when he found them before him. The President of India Ramnath Kovind was present at the programme organised at BNSD Shiksha Niketan, Benjabhar here on Monday.

He sought their blessings the teachers’ blessing during his visit to the city. By overriding the protocol he came near his three teachers sitting on the venue. The moment his eyes fell upon the older teachers, he quickly proceeded to them and enquired of their well-being. He touched their feet and sought their blessings. He even requested them to sit beside him on the podium. His two teachers viz., T N Tandon and Hari Ram Kapoor ascended the podium but one older teacher Pyare Lal Verma could not ascend owing to his physical weakness. Therefore, the President himself stepped down the podium and came near him. By touching his feet he sought his blessings before the huge gathering.

This sight mesmerised the gathering of the guests and the people. They at least for one point of time realised what saintly Sufi poet Kabir wrote down was true in every way. It is the teacher who is the greatest.