India: Friction emits smoke thru train's wheels

KANPUR: Passengers boarding Delhi-bound Ziarat Express started shrieking as smoke emanated from the train’s wheels between Baupur and Maitha railway stations on Thursday morning. A few of them even jumped out of the train’s coach before the driver applied the emergency brake. It was good that the train was in a very slow motion.

According to the reports, train was allowed to stop at Rura & Jheejhank owing to cancellation of Gomti Express. A large numbers of passengers boarded the train at Kanpur Central. As the train moved out of Bhaupur station smoke began to emit from the wheels of the general compartment coach, third bogey from the engine. This caused commotion and the passengers were screaming. Some of them even jumped out of the bogey.

Their uproar reached the driver and he applied emergency brake near Raipar halt at 9.20 am. The passengers even poured water on the warmed up wheel. The driver rained soil heavily on the brake bind. The train departed after about five minutes. When it reached at Rura railway station the station master was informed of this occurrence. He made the control room aware of the grave situation. The smoke was caused owing to massive friction and rubbing in the brake binding. The train was also stopped at Jheejhank railway station.