India: No campaigning on Lawyers' Asscn voting day

KANPUR: As many as 58 candidates will fight for a total of 20 seats in the election of Lawyers’ Association on March 11. Two nominations were cancelled on Friday and two nominations were withdrawn on Saturday. There were also reports of fights and tearing down of the application form. One group complained that nomination was being withdrawn under pressure while another group stated that the withdrawal was done on own decision.

The Elders Committee has decided to neither raise a tent nor campaign on the voting day. A decision to this effect has been taken at the candidates’ meeting held at the Association Hall here on Saturday.

Addressing the gathering Niyaz Ahmad Khan, member, Elders’ Committee, raised the point of noncompliance of the code of conduct by the candidates. Banners and posters stretch on the road. Even the Collectorate campus do not remain free of canvassing materials.

Therefore the Elders Committee members brought a resolution to avoid repeating the tradition of campaigning and pitching the tent. The members favoured it unanimously for not erecting a tent and campaigning for support.

On Saturday there was seen some kind of contention during the withdrawal of the nomination paper. In case of the complaint, Chairman, Elders Committee, said action will be initiated.