Indian authorities spreading hatred, violence against Muslims: Pro Cheng

Cheng Xizhong

BEIJING, Feb 11 (APP): Since Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) headed by Narendra Modi came to power, the Indian authorities have been acquiescing in the extremes of Hindu far-right elements against Muslims. their extreme manifestos are arousing the hatred of Hindus against Muslims and inciting civil society groups to exert violence against Muslims.

Judging from the current situation, Hindu far-right elements are trying to reshape India from a secular country to a Hindu religious country. The increasingly violent actions are rolling toward the edge of a precipice and may even evolve into nationwide genocide such as “Rwandan Genocide”.

These views were expressed by Cheng Xizhong, Visiting Professor of Southwest University of Political Science and Law and Senior Fellow of the Charhar Institute in a statement on Friday.

Prof. Cheng noted that on January 15 this year, a group of Hindu priests shouted for anti-Muslim violence in front of a crowded audience and tens of thousands of online viewers at a Hindu rally in the Hindu holy land of Haridwar. Hindu far-right elements even proposed to reduce “their population” by “Killing at least two million Muslims”. This has aroused great anger among Muslims across India.

It is worth noting that a large number of BJP members participated in the religious rally on January 15. Behind them is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and senior leaders of the government and BJP, who have been silent all the time.

Prof. Cheng analyzed that Narendra Modi manipulates and supports these violent extremist groups behind the scenes, because his BJP regards Hindu far-right groups as the foundation of its political ideology and relies on the vast network of volunteers of extremist groups to mobilize voters to consolidate his ruling position.

From now, the elections have started in five states of India. If BJP shows good performances in the elections, then the Hindu candidate from BJP will be the President in coming July. It is well known that ruling BJP always makes manipulation of ethnic and religious contradictions. India has not seen a Muslim Prime Minister for 75 years since its independence.

In order to remain in power, Narendra Modi can sacrifice everything, including the stability and unity of the country and the interests of innocent ethnic minorities, including Muslims, he added.