Indian army faces sharp, complex contradictions: Former Chinese Defense Attache

Cheng Xizhong

BEIJING, Mar 09 (APP): China’s Former Defense Attache in South Asian Countries, Cheng Xizhong said on Wednesday that the contradictions within the Indian army are very sharp and complex.

In particular, the two policies implemented by the Narendra Modi regime in recent years have further intensified the contradictions within the Indian army. One is the large-scale suppression and massacre of the ethnic minorities including Kashmiris and Muslims, and the other is the excessive protection of the interests of the upper class regardless of the livelihood of the poor, he said in a statement.

Prof. Cheng, also a visiting Professor of Southwest University of Political Science and Law pointed out that the rank-and-file soldiers of the Indian army are from poor families, while the majority of the commissioned officers are from the upper class and the soldiers are just tools of the Indian rulers, which determines that the Indian army is an incompact organization with no combat effectiveness. Therefore, for decades, the Indian army has always been defeated in the fight with neighboring countries and in dealing with domestic riots.

He noted that The Indian Express reported that five Border Security Force (BSF) soldiers had been killed in an internal fight on March 6 in the headquarters of a BSF battalion in Amritsar, Punjab in northwest India.Informed sources said that the soldier who had killed the five soldiers also opened fire on the car of the commander of the 144th battalion, who fortunately escaped without being killed.

Prof. Cheng said that in fact, such things often happen in the Indian army, but the outside world knows little because if a subordinate commander can conceal something, he will not report it to the superior commander and the military always tries to prevent the information from reaching the media.

He opined that in order to maintain a high tension with its neighbors, despite the severe cold and hypoxia, India deploys a large number of troops beyond what is needed in the high-altitude border areas with China and Pakistan in winter, resulting in the freezing death of many troops.

India’s military and political rulers only care about their own interests and do not care about the life and death of ordinary soldiers at all.

“As I observe, most of the Indian military officers are fat and bulky, having nothing to do all day long and most of the soldiers are nothing more than skin and bone, how can such an army fight a war?”, he questioned.