China opposes unilateral attempt to alter historical status quo of Jerusalem: Wang Wenbin

Wang Wenbin

BEIJING, April 20 (APP): China on Wednesday expressed deep concern over escalating violence and conflict between Israel and Palestine, especially the tension in Jerusalem and opposed any unilateral attempt to alter the historical status quo of Jerusalem.

China is deeply concerned with the escalating violence and conflict between Israel and Palestine, especially the tensions in Jerusalem, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said during his regular briefing. We oppose any unilateral attempt to alter the historical status quo of Jerusalem and hope relevant parties can stay calm, exercise restraint and prevent the situation from getting out of control, he added.

He said that China holds that the Palestinian question should not be marginalized, still less forgotten, and the injustice lasting for over half a century should not continue.

Terming China’s position on the Palestinian question consistent and clear, he said, We have been playing a constructive role in its resolution.

The spokesperson said that last year, China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward a three-point proposal for the implementation of the two-state solution.

We call on the international community to direct more attention and input to the Palestinian question, he added.

Wang Wenbin remarked that the international community, major countries in particular, should face up to the crux of the Palestinian question and work on Palestine and Israel to resume peace talks at an early date, so as to realize peaceful coexistence.

China will not cease its support for the just cause of the Palestinian people until the Palestinian question is resolved, he added.

As per reports, recently, Israel’s incessant attacks on the Al Aqsa mosque, a holy site in Islam located in Jerusalem, have led to casualties. The attacks show no signs of abating.