India: High temperature checked bumper voting

Indian voters

Kanpur: Scorching sun halted enthusiasm of the voters on Monday. In the morning the voters including the women came out of their houses. Some who reached at the booth no 221 in Cantt area were denied voting for they carried mobile with them. 

Rising temperature in the day lessened the voters' enthusiasm and this remained main cause behind low percentage of voting in the parliamentary election this year. The noon time completely hindered the voters to move. 

Perhaps it was the reason behind slow voting. Whosoever was reaching the booth only said there was no crowd. As many as 3% voting was cast in the evening. The end result was that the voting could not be counted higher. 

Monday temperature was recorded at 42.6 degree Celsius. As the electricity supply continued people thought it better to rest in the cold air forgetting their constitutional right. Was it their irresponsible attitude?