Washington DC

USA: Trump aides aim to build GOP opposition to Afghan refugees

Washington, Sep 15 (AP-PTI) As tens of thousands of Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban arrive in the US, a handful of former Trump administration officials are working to turn Republicans against them.

The former officials are writing position papers, appearing on conservative television outlets and meeting privately with GOP lawmakers all in an effort to turn the collapse of Afghanistan into another opportunity to push a hard-line immigration agenda.

Biden holds back $130m military aid to Egypt until human rights progress is made

14 Sep 2021; MEMO: An official in the Biden administration has announced that the US is holding back some of the military aid it sends to Egypt over human rights concerns.

Of the $1.3 billion of military aid the US gives to Egypt every year, $300 million is conditioned on progress being made over human rights violations.

US: CDC study finds unvaccinated 11 times more likely to die from COVID

12 Sep 2021; AA: Unvaccinated individuals are 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than those who have taken the jab, according to data released Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Director Rochelle Wallensky said the findings are based on a review of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in 13 states, and are a testament to the "power of COVID-19 vaccination."

US approves $47m in aid to crisis-hit Lebanon army

08 Sep 2021; MEMO: US President Joe Biden yesterday authorised an aid package worth $47 million to the Lebanese army.

Biden issued a memorandum authorising Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to withdraw up to $25 million in commodities and services from the US government to provide immediate assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces.

He has also authorised Blinken to withdraw up to $22 million in "defense articles and services from the Ministry of Defense" to provide immediate assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces.

Former US ambassador appointed to Biden's Iran team, exposing Israeli influence

31 Aug 2021; MEMO: A former US ambassador to Israel has joined President Joe Biden's team working on Iran, exposing Israel's very deep influence in Washington. Dan Shapiro served as ambassador under the administration of former President Barack Obama.

Taliban will have to earn int'l legitimacy, support by meeting their commitments: Blinken

Washington, Aug 31 (PTI) The Taliban will have to earn international legitimacy and support by meeting their commitments on freedom of travel, counterterrorism, respecting the basic rights of the Afghan people, including women and minorities, and forming an inclusive government, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.

Blinkin said the US will engage with the Taliban not on the basis of what a Taliban-led government says, but what it does to live up to its commitments.

Biden reaffirms US plan to reopen Jerusalem consulate

28 Aug 2021; MEMO: During his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the White House, US President Joe Biden reaffirmed his administration's plan to reopen the US Consulate General in Jerusalem, news agencies reported on Friday.

At the same time, Biden expressed his opposition to the Israeli evictions of Palestinian families in occupied Jerusalem's neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

USA: 7,000-plus evacuees flown from Afghanistan to Europe: US General

Washington, Aug 26 (AP-PTI) The head of the US military's European Command says that so far more than 7,000 evacuees from Afghanistan have been flown to eight locations around Europe, mainly in Germany and Italy.

General Tod Wolters said Wednesday that 55 evacuation flights from Afghanistan have flown into Ramstein Air Base in Germany and three into Naval Air Station Sigonella in Italy. He says the flights brought nearly 5,800 evacuees from Kabul to Ramstein and 662 to Sigonella.

USA: Looking at 'options' on diplomatic presence in Afghanistan after Aug 31

Washington, Aug 26 (PTI) The US has said it is looking at a number of "options" on its diplomatic presence in Afghanistan after the August 31 withdrawal deadline.

August 31 is the cut-off date set by both the US and the Taliban for America's pullout from the war-torn country.

"With regard to our own potential presence going forward after the 31st, we're looking at a number of options, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters at a press conference on Wednesday.

US to expand evacuation flights from Kabul to Europe

21 Aug 2021; MEMO: The US Department of State is expected to announce that evacuation flights from Kabul will be enabled to land in Europe due to an increase in the flow of evacuees into Qatar, US officials reported on Friday.

The US aims to intensify efforts to evacuate thousands of Americans and Afghans at risk under Taliban rule.

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