Washington DC

'Israel is an apartheid state' say a quarter of US Jews

14 July 2021; MEMO: A quarter of American Jews believe Israel is an apartheid state according to a new poll which has made a number of striking findings over the extent to which the occupation state is losing the battle for hearts and minds amongst the most populous Jewish community outside Israel.

USA:Biden nominates two Indian-American doctors to key roles

Washington, Jul 14 (PTI) US President Joe Biden has nominated a prominent Indian-American physician and a surgeon to serve in key roles in his administration.

West Virginia's former health commissioner Dr Rahul Gupta was nominated on Tuesday as the next director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

USA: Biden signs competition order targeting big business

Washington, Jul 10 (AP-PTI) President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday targeting what he labelled anticompetitive practices in tech, health care and other parts of the economy, declaring it would fortify an American ideal that true capitalism depends on fair and open competition."

Support for Palestinians is rooted in black American experience of racism: US Congressman

03 July 2021; MEMO: Parallels between Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation with black Americans fighting for civil rights in the US were made by American Congressman Andre Carson in a recent interview with the Haaretz. The Representative from Indiana, one of only four Muslims ever elected to Congress, described how his support for Palestinians is rooted in his experience as a black person growing up in America and spoke at length about the racism he saw during his three visits to Israel.

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