Washington DC

Pentagon Contractor’s Report On COVID-19 Origins Is “Bogus”: U.S. Media

WASHINGTON, May 26 (NNN-XINHUA) – A U.S. military contractor’s report that the novel coronavirus was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is “filled with information that’s just plain wrong,” said The Daily Beast, in a recent report.

“There’s a critical flaw in the report,” an article published by the U.S. news and opinion website wrote on May 17, adding that, “Some of its most seemingly persuasive evidence is false — provably false.”

Turkey envoy slams US senators for Uyghurs comments

24 May 2020; MEMO: Turkey’s Ambassador to US, Serdar Kilic, hit back Friday at two American senators for comments regarding Ankara’s treatment of Uyghurs.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Senator Jim Risch, shared a news report on Twitter that claimed Ankara reversed some of its support for Uyghurs and Turkish police are questioning refugees fleeing China’s crackdown.

Trump lashes out at scientists whose findings contradict him

Washington, May 22 (AP/PTI) "A Trump enemy statement, he said of one study. A political hit job, he said of another.

As President Donald Trump pushes to reopen the country despite warnings from doctors about the consequences of moving too quickly during the coronavirus crisis, he has been lashing out at scientists whose conclusions he doesn't like.

Six prominent Indian-Americans named to Biden-Sanders unity task forces

Washington, May 22 (PTI) Six prominent Indian-Americans from diverse fields have been named to the Biden-Sanders unity task forces announced by former vice president Joe Biden, who is the presumptive presidential nominee of the opposition Democratic Party.

Congresswoman from Seattle Pramila Jayapal and former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy have been named co-chairs of the Health Care Task Force. The unity task force is a result of Senator Bernie Sanders' endorsement of the Biden campaign.

USA: Biden on Trump: 'I don't want to get down in the mud' with these guys

Washington, May 20 (AP/PTI) Joe Biden on Tuesday night deflected questions about President Donald Trump's allegations of improper behaviour during the Obama administration and other conspiracy theories pushed by his top allies, saying, I don't want to get down in the mud with these guys.

Speaking at a Yahoo News virtual town hall, Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, said Trump is trying to distract voters from his inadequate response to the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 90,000 Americans.

Israel Ambassador to US lobbies for annexation, fearing Biden victory

19 May 2020; MEMO: Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, has been lobbying in favour of Israel’s annexation plans, fearful of the plan being scrapped should Joe Biden become US president.

Three sources reported by the Israeli TV Channel 13 said that Dermer is leading a campaign targeting Trump administration officials, congressmen and women, journalists and other influencers to convince them that Israel must move forward on annexation plans.

Covid-19 deadliest in New York City’s black and Latino neighbourhoods

NEW YORK, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Some New York City neighbourhoods have seen death rates from the novel coronavirus nearly 15 times higher than others, according to data released by New York City’s health department showing the disproportionate toll taken on poor communities.

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