
Over 100,000 companies deregistered this fiscal yr

New Delhi, Dec 28 (PTI) Names of more than 1 lakh (100,000) companies have been struck off the official records in the current fiscal for not carrying business activities for a long time, the government said Friday.

As part of clamping down on illicit fund flows, the Corporate Affairs Ministry has been taking action against entities that are suspected to be shell companies.

Under the Companies Act, 2013, a company can be deregistered if it has not been carrying out any business for two continuous years and has also not applied for obtaining dormant status.

Thousands of youth to march in Delhi for education and jobs

New Delhi, Dec 28 (PTI) Thousands of youngsters from across the country will hold a march in the national capital on February 7 to demand education and jobs, a youth organisation said Friday.

The youth will be marching under the Young India National Coordination Committee, which came into existence with the coming together of more than 50 youth movements, student unions and organisations.

4 prehistoric migrations shaped India's population

New Delhi, Dec 29 (PTI) The Indian population is a result of four major migrations, including that of the Aryans, into the country in prehistoric times, says a new book.

"Early Indians: The Story of Our Ancestors and Where We Came From" looks at how and when modern humans first arrived in India; what evidence they left behind; who their descendants are today; who else followed them as migrants to this land; how and when farming started and the world's largest civilisation of its time was built; when and why this civilisation declined; and what happened next.

India announces Rs 4,500 crore assistance to Bhutan

New Delhi, Dec 28 (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday announced a Rs 4,500 crore financial assistance to Bhutan for its 12th five-year plan after holding wide-ranging talks with his Bhutanese counterpart Lotay Tshering.

In his media statement, Modi said hydro power cooperation with Bhutan is a key aspect of bilateral ties and that work on the Mangdechhu project will soon be completed.

Indian Cabinet approves 10,000 crore Gaganyaan project

New Delhi, Dec 28 (PTI) The Union Cabinet Friday approved the Gaganyaan project under which a three-member crew will be sent to space for at least seven days, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said.

The project will cost Rs 10,000 crore, he said at a press conference here.

The Gaganyaan project was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech.

He had said the mission will be undertaken by 2022.

India has already inked agreements with Russia and France for assistance in the ambitious project.

India: 1.9 lakh children missing in last 3 years

New Delhi, Dec 28 (PTI) Over 1.9 lakh children went missing in the last three years, the Lok Sabha was told Friday.

From June 2, 2015, to December 21, 2018, a total of 1,91,679 children have gone missing, Minister of State for Women and Child Development Virendra Kumar told the Lok Sabha.

The highest number of children went missing from Gujarat at 37,063 followed by Madhya Pradesh 32,925 and West Bengal 25,275, he said.

The number of children tracked using the Khoya Paya, a child tracking portal, is 5,828, Kumar said.

India: BJP trying to push Hindutva agenda through triple talaq bill

New Delhi, Dec 27; PTI: The government is batting for the triple talaq bill in Parliament to push its Hindutva agenda in the country, the CPI(M) alleged on Thursday.

CPI(M)'s politburo member and its deputy leader in the Lok Sabha Md Salim said the main concern of the opposition parties regarding the bill was that it criminalises triple talaq.

Indian Govt bans Khalistan Liberation Force

New Delhi, Dec 27 (PTI) The government has banned Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) for its involvement in several killings, bombings and other terror activities during its violent campaign for "secession of Punjab".

The decision to ban the outfit under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) comes in the backdrop of agencies unearthing several KLF modules in recent months which has led to apprehensions that it is attempting to revive militancy in the state.

India: Women groups raise 10 concerns in Triple Talaq Bill

New Delhi, Dec 27 (PTI) A group of 40 women rights activists has opposed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2018, in its present form, raising concerns over 10 points in the Bill which was passed by the Lok Sabha Thursday.

In a statement, they urged the government to withdraw the Bill from consideration in the Rajya Sabha, and review the fundamental flaws pending broad-based community consultations.

Following are the 10 concerns raised by the activists.

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