India: JNUSU demands clearance of fellowships


New Delhi, Nov 2 (PTI) The JNU Student Union (JNUSU) Tuesday demanded the institution clear all pending fellowships and return money to students from whom it "illegall" recovered non-NET fellowship amount.

In a statement, the JNUSU alleged the university was illegally recovering money from students as non-NET fellowship amount.

The JNUSU had made similar allegations on October 29 also.

However, the JNU in a statement on Monday has denied these allegations.

The students' body warned that they will take political and legal measures if the issue was not solved.

JNUSU demands that the JNU administration comes clean regarding the entire business (recovery of non-NET fellowship), clears all pending fellowships and returns to students the amount it has illegally claimed. If the JNU Administration does not mend its ways, the JNUSU shall be forced to take appropriate political and legal measures for the same, the JNUSU said in the statement.

The students' body also appealed the UGC to take cognisance of the issue and take swift actions towards the resolution of the matter.