
IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi to arrive in Iran on March 3 — report

TEHRAN, March 1. /TASS/: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi will arrive in Tehran on Friday, March 3, the Fars news agency reported Wednesday.

During the visit, Grossi will meet with Iranian officials and will discuss "various issues" with them on Saturday, March 4, the report says.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Mehr news agency reported, citing head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami, that the IAEA Director General will arrive in the Iranian capital in the "upcoming two days."

Iran Unveils Manoeuvre Of Homegrown Air Defence System

TEHRAN, Mar 1 (NNN-IRNA) – Iran yesterday, unveiled the manoeuvre of air defence systems, stored in underground tunnels.

Video footage cited by Tasnim news agency, showed a homegrown air defence system belonging to the Aerospace Division of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), driving out of an underground tunnel.

The unveiling came, as Iran launched a large-scale real-combat air defence exercise, codenamed Modafean Aseman-e Velayat 1401.

Iran ousts two German diplomats over Berlin's "interventionist" measures

TEHRAN, March 1 (Xinhua) -- Iran has declared two German diplomats to be personae non gratae and has expelled them from the Islamic republic over Berlin's "interventionist and irresponsible" measures against Tehran.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani blamed the German government for its "irresponsible interference" in Iran's internal and judicial affairs, according to a statement published on the Foreign Ministry's website on Wednesday.

Iran's currency hits all-time low

27 Feb 2023; MEMO: Iran's national currency plummeted to an all-time low against the US dollar on Sunday, triggering chaos in the country's forex market and economic circles, Anadolu reports.

The stuttering rial traded below 600,000 to the greenback in the free market for the first time ever as foreign currencies, including the US dollar and British pound, rallied against it.

Iran releases Spanish woman after three months in jail over protests

26 Feb 2023; MEMO: A Spanish woman imprisoned in Iran since November on espionage charges after she was arrested during anti-government protests in November has been released, the Spanish Foreign Minister said on Sunday, Reuters reports.

An activist who works for a human rights NGO, 24-year-old Ana Baneira Suarez was detained in Iran during nationwide protests sparked by the death in custody of a young woman in September.

Iranian minister criticizes "transregional states" for causing "insecurity, division"

TEHRAN, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The presence of "transregional countries" in any region of the world has led to "insecurity and division," Iranian Students' News Agency quoted Iranian defense minister as saying on Sunday.

Such a presence in West Asia has never been intended to support human rights, promote democracy, or help people in the region, but to ensure energy flow and Israel's security, Mohammadreza Ashtiani was quoted as saying during a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart Thabet Muhammad Saeed al-Abbasi in Tehran on Saturday.

Iran likely to provide air defence missiles to Syria to counter Israel's attacks

25 Feb 2023; MEMO: Iranian state television announced on Friday that Iran is likely to sell surface-to-air missiles to Syria to help it boost air defences in the face of repeated Israeli airstrikes.

"Syria needs to rebuild its air defence network and requires precision bombs for its fighter planes," shared the state television.

Iran Condemned Israeli Killing Of Palestinians In Nablus

TEHRAN, Feb 23 (NNN-IRNA) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, yesterday, condemned the “brutal” Israeli attack and killing of Palestinians on the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Nasser Kanaani made the remarks, in a statement published on the Foreign Ministry’s website, reacting to the attack by the Israeli army on Nablus, earlier in the day, in which 10 Palestinians were killed, including an old man and a 14-year-old boy, and at least 102 others injured.

Iran summons British Envoy to protest 'policy of accusations'

22 Feb 2023; MEMO: Iran summoned the British interim charge d'affaires on Wednesday to protest London's policy of "baseless" accusations against Tehran, Anadolu News Agency reports.

A Foreign Ministry statement said the UK Envoy, Isabelle Marsh, was summoned to protest the British policy of levelling unfounded accusations against Iran and promoting Iranophobia.

The Ministry demanded "an end to this unfriendly approach adopted by the British government".

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