
Switzerland: Donors pledge more than $8 bln to help Pakistan flood recovery - official

GENEVA, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Pakistan said on Monday that donors had committed to give more than $8 billion to help it recover from last year's devastating floods in what is seen as a major test for who pays for climate disasters.

Officials from some 40 countries as well as private donors and international financial institutions are gathering for a meeting in Geneva as Islamabad seeks help covering around half of a total recovery bill of $16.3 billion.

Switzerland: UN gathering seeks aid for Pakistan after devastating floods

GENEVA (AP) — The United Nations hosted a conference on Monday to help Pakistan cope with the fallout of last summer’s devastating flooding, which the U.N. chief called a “climate disaster of monumental scale” that killed more than 1,700 people in the immediate aftermath. Millions are still living near contaminated and stagnant flood waters.

Switzerland: Alain Berset takes office as new Swiss president

GENEVA, Jan 2 (NNN-XINHUA) — Alain Berset from the Social Democrat party of Switzerland on Sunday took office as President of the Swiss Confederation for the second time.

Berset is also head of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs. Born in Fribourg on April 9, 1972, he previously held the presidential post in 2018.

Switzerland: Alain Berset takes office as new Swiss president

GENEVA, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) -- Alain Berset from the Social Democrat party of Switzerland on Sunday took office as President of the Swiss Confederation for the second time.

Berset is also head of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs. Born in Fribourg on April 9, 1972, he previously held the presidential post in 2018.

UN rights office condemns Israel's deportation of Palestinian-French human rights defender

19 Dec 2022; MEMO: The UN Human Rights Office on Monday condemned Israel's recent deportation of Palestinian-French human rights defender Salah Hammouri to France, reports Anadolu Agency.

"We are deeply concerned by the chilling message this sends to those working on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory," UN Human Rights spokesperson Jeremy Laurence said in a statement after the decision issued on Sunday.

Switzerland: COVID-19 Global Health Emergency Hopefully Ends Next Year: WHO Chief

GENEVA, Dec 15 (NNN-XINHUA) – The chief of the World Health Organisation (WHO), said, he hopes that COVID-19 will no longer be a global health emergency sometime next year.

Addressing a press briefing in Geneva, WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said, the WHO COVID-19 Emergency Committee will discuss next month, the criteria for declaring an end to the COVID-19 emergency.

“We’re hopeful that at some point next year, we will be able to say that COVID-19 is no longer a global health emergency,” he said.

Switzerland: China's COVID spike not due to lifting of restrictions, WHO director says

GENEVA, Dec 14 (Reuters) - COVID-19 infections were exploding in China well before the government's decision to abandon its strict "zero-COVID" policy, a World Health Organization director said on Wednesday, quashing suggestions that the sudden reversal caused a spike in cases.

The comments by the WHO's emergencies director Mike Ryan came as he warned of the need to ramp up vaccinations in the world's No. 2 economy.

Speaking at a briefing with media, he said the virus was spreading "intensively" in the nation long before the lifting of restrictions.

Switzerland: U.S. trade policies draw sharp criticism from WTO members

GENEVA, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) -- Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) criticized U.S. trade policies on Wednesday here at the ongoing 15th Trade Policy Review of the United States.

China, the European Union (EU), Canada, Türkiye and many other WTO members strongly urged the United States to fulfill its obligations as a WTO member and avoid unilateralism and protectionism.

Switzerland: Pandemic treaty plans thrashed out at WHO

GENEVA, Dec 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Negotiators are meeting in Geneva this week to thrash out a pandemic treaty aimed at ensuring the flaws that turned Covid-19 into a global crisis could never happen again.

As the third anniversary of the virus emerging rolls around, negotiators are raking over an early concept draft of what might eventually make it into an international agreement on how to handle future pandemics.

Israeli deportation order against French-Palestinian activist could constitute war crime; UN

Israel's decision to deport French-Palestinian human rights defender and lawyer Salah Hammouri to France against his will may constitute a war crime under the Geneva Convention, UN experts said Friday, reports Anadolu Agency.

Israel reaffirmed the revocation of Hammouri's permanent residency in Jerusalem on November 30.

Authorities said Hammouri would be deported December 4 to France because of his alleged "breach of allegiance to the State of Israel" and based on secret evidence.

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