
Turkey ready to purchase US Patriot anti-missile system after Russia’s S-400

6 June 2019; MEMO: Ankara has told the United States that it is willing to purchase its Patriot missile system following the delivery of Russia’s S-400 missile system if the US offers a deal as lucrative as that offered by Russia, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Tuesday.

Turkey, Russia face conflicts over Syria’s push into Idlib

ISTANBUL (AP) — Ankara and Moscow are again facing an escalation of violence in Syria’s last rebel-held territory, a development that puts their cooperation to the test even as they support opposing sides in the eight-year war that has devastated Syria.

An all-out offensive by Syrian government forces to capture Idlib in northwestern Syria from insurgents could unleash an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, for the area is home to 3 million people.

U.S. imperialist, interventionist policies blamed for Mideast turmoil as U.S.-Iran standoff escalates

ISTANBUL, May 27 (Xinhua) -- Amid the spiralling tensions in the Gulf caused by the U.S. sanctions and sabre-rattling against Iran, many Turkish analysts and citizens said the U.S. imperialist and interventionist policies are largely blamed for the turmoil and instability in the Middle East region.

Turkey Security forces seize 1400-year-old book

DIYARBAKIR, 24 May 2019; AA: A religious motivational book believed to have been written 1,400 years ago was seized Friday by security forces in southeastern Turkey.

The 36-page book written on papyrus paper was seized in an operation carried out by local gendarmes in Diyarbakir province.

The anti-smuggling and organized crime unit of the gendarmerie received a tip off that three people were looking for customers for an an ancient book, the local governor's office said.

Turkish Cargo growing despite global shrinkage

ANKARA; 23 May 2019; AA: Turkish Cargo, a subsidiary company of Turkey's flag carrier Turkish Airlines, continued its growth in the first quarter of this year, despite shrinkage in the global air cargo sector, the company said Thursday.

"Turkish Cargo managed to increase its sold cargo tonnage by 11.6% year-on-year, according to World Air Cargo Data (WACD)," it said in a statement, despite a global shrinkage of 3.1% across the air cargo sector in the first three months of 2019.

Turkey cuts duties on some US goods by half

ANKARA; 22 May 2019; AA: Turkey decided to reduce by half the additional duties levied on 22 products originating in the U.S. in a reciprocal move, the trade minister said on Wednesday.

The move came after the U.S. government announced that it decreased tariffs on Turkish iron and steel imports to 25% from 50% last week.

Turkish military staff in Russia for S-400 training

ANKARA; 22 May 2019; AA: Turkish military personnel are currently receiving training in Russia for the use of the S-400 air defense system, Turkey’s defense minister told reporters in Ankara.

"We’ve sent personnel to Russia for S-400 training that will begin in the coming days and will span the following months," Hulusi Akar said on Tuesday.

Turkey world’s second largest beekeeping country

ANKARA; 20 May 2019; AA: Turkey is the world’s second largest beekeeping country after China, an official said, as the country marks World Bee Day on Monday.

"Turkey is one of few self-sufficient countries in beekeeping,” Selcuk Solmaz, head of Ankara Beekeepers Association (ABA), said in an interview with Anadolu Agency.

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