
Amnesty wants international probe for Saudi writer slaying

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Amnesty International has renewed a call for an international investigation into the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi — a slaying that has implicated some members of the Saudi crown prince’s entourage.

The group made the call outside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on Thursday while marking the 100th day since his Oct. 2 killing by Saudi agents there.

About 100 meters (yards) away from the consulate, the activists symbolically put up a street sign bearing the name of the journalist who wrote critically about the crown prince.

Smoking still big problem in Turkey despite strengthened bans

ANKARA, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- Turkey has made progress on tobacco control in recent years with bans, regulations, media campaigns and health programs, yet smoking is still a big and lingering problem in the country.

"Smoke like a Turk," the expression defining the entrenched habit of the Turkish population to smoke, is in fact no more since a draconian but popular ban was imposed a decade ago.

U.S. pullout from Syria must be planned carefully: Erdogan

ANKARA, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. withdrawal from Syria must be planned carefully and performed in cooperation with the right partners to protect itself, the international community and Syrian people, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said late Monday.

In an op-ed published by the New York Times, Erdogan said that his country is the only one "with the power and commitment to perform that task."

Regarding the efforts to completely defeat the Islamic State (IS), Erdogan said that Turkey expects international support in its bid to eliminate the group.

Heavy snow in NW Turkey causes flight delays, cancellations in Istanbul

ISTANBUL, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- Heavy snowfall in northwestern Turkey have caused flight delays and cancellations in Istanbul on Monday.

In a warning issued on its website, Turkish Airlines, the national flag carrier, called on its passengers to regularly check their flight details before arriving at airports, citing "expected adverse weather conditions in Istanbul."

Ukraine Orthodox church gains independence from Russia

05 Jan 2019; DW: It's official: An independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine has been born with the blessing of Patriarch Bartholomew I. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko heralded the split from Russia, but Moscow is less than pleased.

The Orthodox Church of Ukraine was formally granted independence at a ceremony in Istanbul on Saturday, completing a historic split from Russian religious control that had been ongoing since 1868.

Turkish defense, aerospace industry exports grow 17pct

ANKARA; 05 Jan 2019; AA: Turkey's aerospace and defense industry exports surged 17 percent year-on-year in 2018.

According to data compiled from Turkish Exporters Assembly by Anadolu Agency, the sector's exports surpassed the target of $2 billion last year, hitting a record high level of $2.035 billion.

The defense and aerospace industry showed the best performance in terms of growing exports, among all sectors in 2018.

Over 40,000 Syrians return home from Turkey in 2018

HATAY, Turkey; 01 Jan 2019; AA: Over 40,000 Syrians left Turkey over the last year for their hometowns liberated from terrorists in northwestern Syria.

Taking refuge in Turkey due to civil war in Syria, a total of 40,574 Syrians from different parts of Turkey used the Cilvegozu border gate in southern Hatay province to go to Syria’s terror-free areas of Idlib region.

Syrians headed to their homeland after legal procedures at the border.

Turkish project earmarks water for N.Cyprus irrigation

LEFKOSA, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; 26 Dec 2018; AA: The ground-breaking ceremony for a Turkish-sponsored irrigation project in Northern Cyprus was held on Wednesday.

The project -- which consist of a 5.7-kilometer (3.5 mile) tunnel for supplying water to farmlands -- is being added to current water supply facilities from Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

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