US hits Chinese pipes with 132% import duties

On the eve of renewing talks to try to defuse the spiraling trade dispute with China, the US Commerce Department hit the country with import duties of 132 percent on metal pipe.

Commerce said China was selling the large diameter welded pipe used in the oil and gas industry far below the fair price, and that dumping harms US industry, according to the preliminary decision.

US imports of the pipe from China last year totaled $180 million.

Two Trump lieutenants found guilty, president implicated

22 Aug 2018; AFP: Donald Trump stood accused of conspiring to commit campaign finance fraud and two of his closest aides faced jail time Tuesday, after court proceedings delivered a legal and political one-two punch to his embattled presidency.

In a drama that played out simultaneously across two US cities, a court found one former aide guilty of eight charges -- and the other pleaded guilty to another eight -- stemming from the federal investigation into the 2016 presidential election.

Trump's former campaign chief Manafort convicted on 8 counts

WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- Paul Manafort, former campaign chairman of U.S. President Donald Trump, was on Tuesday found guilty on eight out of 18 criminal charges of bank and tax fraud by a jury at the federal court in northern Virginia, according to multiple news reports.

Manafort's conviction is the first secured at trial by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team. Five of the guilty verdicts were for filing false tax documents, and the other three involved foreign bank account registration and bank fraud.

Top U.S. adviser says preventing Iran from nuke weapons "top priority"

JERUSALEM, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) -- U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton on Sunday told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is "a top priority for the United States."

Speaking at the start of their meeting in Jerusalem, Bolton said that Iran's military capabilities are "a question of the highest importance for the United States."

"It's why we've worked with our friends in Europe to convince them of the need to take stronger steps against the Iranian nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs," he said.

U.S. ends Syria development fund, urges "rich countries" to pay instead

WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that the United States has ended the development fund for Syria, urging "rich countries" to pay instead.

In a tweet, Trump said "the United States has ended the ridiculous 230 Million Dollar yearly development payment to Syria."

"Saudi Arabia and other rich countries in the Middle East will start making payments instead of the U.S.," he said. "I want to develop the U.S., our military and countries that help us!"

Spacewalkers install bird trackers, send satellites flying


CAPE CANAVERAL, 16 Aug 2018; (AP) — Spacewalking cosmonauts set up an antenna for tracking birds on Earth and sent a series of tiny satellites flying from the International Space Station on Wednesday.

Russian Sergey Prokopyev used his gloved right hand to fling four research satellites into space. The first mini satellite safely tumbled away as the space station soared 250 miles above Illinois. By the time the fourth one was on its way 14 minutes later, the station was almost to Spain. Two were the size of a tissue box, while the other two were longer.

US extends North Korea sanction list, adds Russian company

WASHINGTON, August 15. /TASS/. The United Sanctions expanded its sanction list related to North Korea, adding Russia’s Profinet Company and its general manager Vasily Kolchanov, the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) reports on Wednesday.

One Chinese company and one Singaporean company were also added to the list.

White House says U.S. not to lift tariffs on Turkey even Brunson released

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- The White House said on Wednesday that the United States will not lift sanctions on Turkish steel and aluminum products even if detained American pastor Andrew Brunson is released.

In a press briefing, White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders said, "The tariffs that are in place on steel would not be removed with the release of Pastor Brunson. The tariffs are specific to national security."

Trump revokes security clearance of ex-CIA director Brennan

Washington, Aug 16 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has revoked the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan, accusing him of "lying" and blaming his "erratic conduct and behaviour."

The 62-year-old former intelligence official, who served in the previous Obama administration, has been one of the staunchest critics of President Trump and his policies.

He was the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director from 2013 to 2017.

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