
ICC mulls probing Israel demolition of Palestinian homes in Jordan Valley

13 Aug 2021; MEMO: The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is examining the possibility of opening an investigation into Israel's demolition of the homes of dozens of Palestinians in the village of Khirbet Humsa in the occupied Jordan Valley.

The investigation comes in response to a petition titled "Israel Practices a War Crime" filed by the Combatants for Peace organisation; which includes former Israeli soldiers and Palestinians who are working together to end the Israeli occupation.

Netherlands: Ever Given, the ship that blocked the Suez Canal, arrives in Rotterdam

ROTTERDAM, July 29 (Reuters) - The container ship Ever Given, which got stuck in the Suez Canal for six days in March, arrived in the Dutch port of Rotterdam on Thursday after being released by authorities in Egypt.

It was scheduled to dock at Rotterdam's ECT Delta terminal for unloading until Aug. 3 before departing for Felixstowe, England, the port said.

The vessel, one of the world's largest container ships, became jammed across the canal in high winds on March 23, halting traffic in both directions and disrupting global trade. 

ICC confirms first Sudan official to stand trial over war crimes

10 July 2021; MEMO: The Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on Friday confirmed the first Sudanese official to stand trial over "war crimes".

According to Sudan News Agency, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II issued a unanimous decision confirming all 31 charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity against Ali Kushayb, and committed him to trial before a trial chamber.

Netherlands: Dutch crime reporter shot, badly wounded in Amsterdam street

AMSTERDAM (AP) — One of the Netherlands’ best known crime reporters was shot Tuesday evening in a brazen attack in downtown Amsterdam and was fighting for his life in a hospital, the Dutch capital’s mayor said.

Peter R. de Vries, who is widely lauded for fearless reporting on the Dutch underworld, was shot after making one of his regular appearances on a current affairs television show. It was an unusually brutal attack on a journalist in the Netherlands.

Russia’s OPCW envoy points to new inconsistencies in Navalny saga

THE HAGUE, July 6. /TASS/: The saga over the alleged poisoning of blogger Alexey Navalny continues to raise numerous questions as more inconsistencies, along with unclear and confusing instances keep on surfacing, Russian Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin told the 97th session of the OPCW Executive Council on Tuesday.

New ICC prosecutor vows to build stronger cases that will go to court

16 June 2021; MEMO: British barrister Karim Khan took over as the International Criminal Court's top prosecutor today with a pledge to improve its track record by taking only its strongest cases to trial, Reuters reports.

Khan, who is only the third person to hold the role, faces many challenges at a time of fierce political pressure on the world's permanent war crimes tribunal.

UN judges to rule on Ratko Mladic appeal against convictions

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic will hear Tuesday if U.N. judges have upheld or overturned his convictions and life sentence for masterminding genocide and other atrocities throughout Bosnia’s 1992-95 war.

Mladic, known as the “Butcher of Bosnia” for leading troops responsible for a string of deadly campaigns including the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and the siege of Sarajevo, was convicted in 2017 and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Malaysia: MH17 trial moves to crucial merits phase, examining evidence

SCHIPHOL, Netherlands (AP) — Nearly seven years after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine, the trial in a Dutch court of three Russians and a Ukrainian accused of involvement in the downing moved Monday to the crucial merits phase, when evidence will be discussed by lawyers and judges.

Families of some of the victims were present in court to watch the latest hearing in the long-running case.

Malaysia: MH17 aircraft wreckage viewed by judges ahead of next phase of trial

(Reuters) --- Judges overseeing the murder trial of four suspects in the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over rebel-held eastern Ukraine viewed the wreckage of the plane on Wednesday, two weeks before prosecutors are due to present their case.

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