
Mine Blast Kills Two In Colombia

BOGOTA, Nov 11 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) – An explosion at a coal mine in the Colombian city of Topaga, in the central department of Boyaca, which was caused by the accumulation of gases, left two people dead and another two injured, local authorities said.

“Two of the workers were found without vital signs and with severe burns,” Topaga’s mayor Alvaro Barrera said.

Members of the National Mining Agency, Boyaca Police and Civil Defence arrived at the scene after the explosion was reported to begin rescue efforts, he said.

Miami judge blasts Venezuela’s top airline for ‘fraud’

MEDELLIN, Colombia (AP) — Two Venezuelan businessmen once convicted in the U.S. as unregistered agents of the late Hugo Chavez have scored a major victory in a Miami courtroom in a bitter fight for control of the South American country’s largest private airline.

While Avior Airlines has largely been grounded by U.S. sanctions and the coronavirus pandemic, the investors hope to recover at least some of its assets, including a regional airline in neighboring Colombia.

Nations long targeted by US chide Trump’s claims of fraud

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Demands to stop the vote count. Baseless accusations of fraud. Claims that the opposition is trying to “steal” the election.

Across the world, many were scratching their heads Friday – especially in countries that have long been advised by Washington on how to run elections -- wondering if those assertions could truly be coming from the president of the United States, the nation considered one of the world’s most emblematic democracies.

Mystery surrounds former Marine’s imprisonment in Venezuela

MEDELLIN, Colombia (AP) — “Don’t WORRY!,” reads the cryptic note scribbled on a scrap of perforated paper smuggled out of a dank, basement cellblock. “Han Solo always wins!”

The weeks-old message is all the family of Matthew Heath has to pin its hopes on since the former U.S. Marine corporal was arrested at a roadblock in Venezuela almost two months ago and accused by President Nicolás Maduro of being a terrorist and spying for Donald Trump.

Thousands of indigenous people march to end Colombian violence

CALI (Colombia), Oct 13 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Thousands of indigenous people demonstrated in southwestern Columbia on Monday demanding an end to violence, on the day commemorating Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas.

Dressed in green and red and carrying traditional sticks, the demonstrators converged on the city of Cali where they hope to meet President Ivan Duque.

Judge lifts house arrest order against former Colombian President Uribe

BOGOTA (Reuters) - A judge on Saturday lifted a house arrest order against former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, who is under investigation for alleged witness tampering.

Uribe has been held under the order since August.

The decision is the latest twist in a long-running legal battle and is likely to disappoint Uribe’s detractors, who had hailed the house arrest as a triumph of judicial independence.

Venezuelans once again fleeing on foot as troubles mount

PAMPLONA, Colombia (AP) — Eleazar Hernández slept on a sidewalk amid a light drizzle, temperatures that dipped close to freezing and the roar of passing trucks.

The 23-year-old Venezuelan migrant was trying to make it to the Colombian city of Medellin with his wife, who is seven months pregnant.

Colombia: New massacre leaves three dead, one was a minor

BOGOTA, Oct 5 (NNN-TELESUR) — The Colombian Farmers’ Association (ANUC) reported a new massacre in southern Cordoba that left three people dead, including a minor.

The triple homicide occurred on the farm El Breque, municipality of San Jose de Ure, in the department of Cordoba. A group of men attacked the owner of the farm, his son, and the driver of a cattle truck.

The victims were identified as Juan Rodriguez, 30; Wilmar Lopez, 42; and Deivi Camelo, 15, who were killed with firearms, knives, and a blunt instrument.

Informant in top Venezuela case accused of lying to feds

MEDELLIN, Colombia (AP) — A key informant against one of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s closest aides has been accused of lying to his law enforcement handlers in a case involving millions of dollars transported on private jets in violation of U.S. sanctions, The Associated Press has learned.

World leaders who skipped past UN meetings get their moment

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — He’s not recognized as a head of state by the country he’d be visiting. His diplomatic immunity is granted by the United Nations, not an unfriendly American administration that could decide to pick him up on drug-trafficking charges if he sets foot in the United States. Then there’s the $15 million U.S. bounty for information leading to his arrest.

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