
Jordan's Prince Hamza defies the military in new recording

Amman (Reuters) - Jordan’s estranged Prince Hamza said in a voice recording released on Monday that he would disobey orders by the army not to communicate with the outside world after he was put under house arrest and accused of trying to destabilise the country.

The half-brother of King Abdullah and former heir to the throne said in the recording released by the country’s opposition that he would not comply after being barred from any activity and told to keep quiet.

Jordan says prince liaised with 'foreign parties' over plot to destabilise country

04 Apr 2021; MEMO: Jordan's Deputy Prime Minister Ayman Safadi said on Sunday that King Abdullah's half-brother and former heir Prince Hamza had liaised with foreign parties over a plot to destabilise the country and had been under investigation for some time, Reuters reports.

Jordan prince says he’s confined, lashes out at authorities

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — The half-brother of Jordan’s King Abdullah II said Saturday he has been placed under house arrest and accused the country’s “ruling system” of incompetence and corruption, exposing a rare rift within the ruling monarchy of a close Western ally.

Prince Hamzah’s videotaped statement came after the country’s official news agency reported that two former senior officials and other suspects had been arrested for “security reasons,” even as authorities denied that Hamzah had been detained or placed under house arrest.

Britain has still not returned thirty Stone Age statues says Jordan's MCSHR

30 Mar 2021; MEMO: The head of the Mesha Centre for Studies and Human Rights in Jordan has revealed that Britain has still not returned thirty Stone Age statues that were taken for restoration in 1990. According to Daifallah Hdeithat, the statues were supposed to be returned to Jordan within two years.

Jordan conducts 2nd government reshuffle

08 Mar 2021; MEMO: Jordan's King Abdullah II yesterday approved a new cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh.

Anadolu Agency reported that that reshuffle was carried out by a royal decree, adding it had included "10 ministries".

According to the decree, Al-Khasawneh fired seven ministers and appointed five others.

Jordan interior, justice ministers told to step down for breaching covid measures

01 Mar 2021; MEMO: Jordan's King Abdullah II yesterday accepted the resignation of the interior and justice ministers for violating coronavirus measures.

The move came after Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh asked Interior Minister Samir Al-Mobaideen and Justice Minister Bassam Al-Talhouni to resign for violating preventive measures to combat the pandemic.

Yemen: government and Houthi prisoner-swap deal stalls

22 Feb 2021; MEMO: The fifth meeting of the Supervisory Committee for the Implementation of the Prisoners and Detainees Exchange Agreement between the Yemeni government and Houthi rebels has concluded in Amman without making any progress, Anadolu has reported.

The news agency quoted an anonymous Yemeni government official as saying that the Houthis have sought in every way to thwart this round of talks, despite the government making concessions in order to make it succeed.

Jordan condemns Israel over stopping Dome of the Rock repairs

26 Jan 2021; MEMO: Jordan on Monday condemned Israel's stopping renovation works at the Dome of the Rock mosque at Al-Aqsa compound in East Jerusalem, Anadolu reports.

On Sunday, Israeli police moved into the complex and prevented workers from the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf from carrying out renovation works at the mosque.

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