Labour’s fabricated anti-Semitism crisis is a threat to free speech

by Asa Winstanley

UK MP Chris Williamson has begun legal action against Labour, the British political party which has suspended his membership.

The treatment of Williamson by Labour’s bureaucrats has been totally unjust and completely bizarre. His situation is only the latest in a long line of phoney examples of anti-Semitism, which have been barely out of the headlines since 2015.

Protesters in Hong Kong shock world with ugly tactics

by Nathan Morley

NICOSIA, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Over the last week, Hong Kong has been disrupted from top to bottom by black-clad radicals hell-bent on causing chaos and wrecking the economy.

Everywhere, public life has been severely disturbed.

In such a climate, it comes as little surprise that the public are increasingly looking for a return to order and normality on this once-tranquil territory of China.

Lebanon PM faces U.S. pressure for tougher line against Hezbollah: analysts

by Dana Halawi

BEIRUT, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Amid recent increased pressure against Hezbollah and its financial activities in Lebanon and abroad, the United States is expected to have exerted pressure on Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri during his visit to Washington this week, analysts said.

"The U.S. will make it clear to Hariri that the Lebanese government should be strong enough to reduce Hezbollah's influence by not implementing all decisions taken by the party," Rajeh Khoury, a political analyst, told Xinhua.

India's forced unity will not bring peace

By Peter Sturm

16 August 2019; DW: India is to be a unified nation, says Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. People in Kashmir are experiencing what that entails. The region is a tinderbox, also because of Modi's politics, writes journalist Peter Sturm.

In his Independence Day speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was quick to blow his own horn: Within 70 days he succeeded in doing what no other government had been able to achieve in 70 years. Make no mistake — he got it done.

Kashmir: Why Amit Shah's 'Development' argument is a hoax

by Prabhat Patnaik

12 Aug 2019; GANASHAKTI: In justification of the move to end Kashmir’s special status, Amit Shah in his speech in the Rajya Sabha brought in the question of Kashmir’s “development”, arguing that closer integration with the rest of India will bring in much investment into the region. He especially appealed to the youth of Kashmir, promising that they would have larger employment opportunities.

Trade war escalation nudges U.S. closer to recession: Reuters poll

by Shrutee Sarkar

BENGALURU (Reuters) - The recent escalation in the U.S.-China trade war has brought forward the next U.S. recession, according to a majority of economists polled by Reuters who now expect the Federal Reserve to cut rates again in September and once more next year.

20 years of Vladimir Putin destabilizing the world

By Miodrag Soric

09 August 2019; DW: On August 9, 1999, Vladimir Putin became prime minister of Russia for the first time. Today opinions on the longtime leader have never been this divided, writes DW's Miodrag Soric — in Russia, as well as abroad.

In the beginning, he was the "anti-Yeltsin" — much younger than Russia's first president, full of energy, reliably quick on his feet during public appearances and averse to vodka.

Trump words linked to more hate crime? Some experts think so


EL PASO, Texas (AP) — President Donald Trump has often railed about an “invasion of illegals” at the southern border, words echoed in a screed the El Paso shooting suspect apparently posted that called the attack that killed 22 people at a Walmart his response to a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

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