AP Explains: US sanctions on Huawei bite, but who gets hurt?

Trump administration sanctions against Huawei have begun to bite even though their dimensions remain unclear. U.S. companies that supply the Chinese tech powerhouse with computer chips saw their stock prices slump Monday, and Huawei faces decimated smartphone sales with the anticipated loss of Google’s popular software and services.

The U.S. move escalates trade-war tensions with Beijing, but also risks making China more self-sufficient over time.

Here’s a look at what’s behind the dispute and what it means.



In this overheated, protracted election season, Muslims are the ‘unpeople’ of India

by Abdul Khaliq

Election rhetoric has only exacerbated Muslim fears. The new government’s first task would be to combat the overpowering atmosphere of distrust and hate bedevilling society which constitutes the foremost threat to the nation, more so than terrorism.

Switzerland on collision course with EU over gun control

by Rebecca Staudenmaier

19 May 2019; DW: Switzerland is facing the choice between changing its gun laws or falling out of Europe's open-border system. But in a country with a strong aversion to regulation, gun owners feel their traditions are coming under fire.

"There's this peace and inner calm that you need when shooting," Michele Meyenberger says as the sound of gun fire echoes through the clubhouse.

Iran’s regional proxies ensure it will never fight alone


BEIRUT (AP) — In the event of war with the United States, Iran “will not be alone.”

That message was delivered by the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group to a mass rally in Beirut in February marking the 40th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. “If America launches war on Iran, it will not be alone in the confrontation, because the fate of our region is tied to the Islamic Republic,” Hassan Nasrallah said.

'Cyber warriors' sway Indian election

16 May 2019; AFP: India's election watchdog says it has forced Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to take down hundreds of posts during the country's election but experts say it is just a drop in an ocean of misinformation that has engulfed voters.

The ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and opposition Congress party have thrown armies of "cyber warriors" into a bitter social media war for the six weeks of voting that ends Sunday.

Are Trump's tariffs really hurting China?

16 May 2019; DW: Chinese exports to the US have been subject to the Trump tariffs since last July. According to the US President, this is wrecking the Chinese economy but does the Asian power ultimately have more stomach for this fight?

Growth in the Chinese economy has been slowing steadily for much of the last decade. From a rate of 12% annual GDP growth in 2010, the figure is now little more than half that.

Persian Gulf tensions, unclear threats raise risks

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Murky claims of sabotage to oil tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates. A drone attack on a pipeline in Saudi Arabia. A U.S. aircraft carrier strike group steaming toward an unspecified threat.

The events roiling the Persian Gulf in recent days have the potential to affect everything from the price of a gallon of gas to the fate of nations.

And for those feeling confused by it all, don’t worry: Everyone else seems to be puzzled too, only raising the possibility of a miscalculation.

A war between the US and Iran is unlikely

by Mohammad Ayesh

14 May 2019; MEMO: Some Gulf States like to hide behind the US and Israel and claim that Washington and Tel Aviv can confront the threat to the region posed by Iran. They cite the fact that the US rescued them from Iraqi militarism in the 1990s. However, the truth of the matter is that the US will not fight Iran this time, and the government in Tehran does not actually pose a threat to the region at all. The whole “Iranian threat” theory is false.

Interview: US military flare-up could lead to a war with Iran

8 May 2019; DW: The US has announced that it will deploy an aircraft carrier to the Middle East to give a "clear message" to Iran that it is prepared to defend its interests. Crisis Group's Ali Vaez says the move could lead to a war.

On Sunday, national security adviser John Bolton said the US was deploying an aircraft carrier and bombers to the Middle East as a signal to Iran.

Trump's China threat is about more than just trade

by Ashutosh Pandey

7 May 2019; DW: US President Donald Trump threatened on Sunday to ramp up tariffs on Chinese imports, citing the slow pace of trade talks with Beijing.

Trump wrote on Twitter that he planned to more than double tariffs on $200 billion (€178.6 billion) of Chinese goods on Friday and eventually raise tariffs on all imports from China to 25%.

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