I'm concerned about country's anger: Indian singer Sonu Nigam

New Delhi, Dec 25 (PTI) Singer Sonu Nigam, who has been in the proverbial eye of the storm for his comments on Pakistani musicians and the #MeToo movement, says he is concerned about the "country's anger" and would like people to "smile and be a little easy".

An eye for an eye leads to lynchings and road rage incidents and is just not his style, said the singer who ignited twin controversies last week.

Interview: Refugee crisis is a political tool for populists: Ai Weiwei:

25 Dec 2018; DW: In an interview with DW, China's dissident artist Ai Weiwei has said that some groups are trying to incite hatred against immigrants in Germany and Europe, and that the world needs to rethink the idea of humanity.

DW: In a recent interview with the media, you described the current mood in Germany and Europe as a reflection of the 1930s. Could you elaborate on trends and events that made you feel that civil society in Europe was becoming hostile?

El-Sissi’s call on Egyptians to lose weight creates a stir


CAIRO (AP) — President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi is demanding Egyptians lose weight.

In televised comments earlier this month, the general-turned-president railed about the number of overweight people he sees and told Egyptians they must take better care of themselves. He said physical education should become core curriculum at schools and universities and suggested TV shows shouldn’t let presenters or guests on the air if they are overweight.

‘CONCENT’ – a political tool to manufacture consent to the anti worker policies of BJP government

by Hemalata

‘CONCENT’, the so called ‘Confederation of Central Trade Unions’, which is set to function from the BMS office, is nothing but a political instrument formed in a desperate attempt to manufacture consent to the anti worker policies of the BJP led government at the centre.

It is yet another attempt to disrupt the unity of the working class and the joint trade union movement, which the BMS deserted and got isolated after BJP, the political wing of the RSS, to which the BMS is affiliated, came to power at the centre in 2014.

2018: Trump's year of disruption -- and danger ahead

14 Nov 2018: AFP: He came, he disrupted, he declared victory. Ask Donald Trump and he'll tell you 2018 was a roaring success.

"Nobody's ever done a better job than I'm doing as president," Trump told Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward.

Classic Trump.

Best ever or not, there's no denying this most unusual White House resident left quite a mark in the second year of his administration.

Canada caught between 2 powers, feeling alone in the world

TORONTO (AP) — First U.S. President Donald Trump attacked Canada on trade. Then Saudi Arabia punished it for speaking up for human rights. Now China has the country in its cross-hairs, detaining two Canadians in apparent retaliation for the arrest of a top Chinese tech executive on behalf of the United States.

Canada is caught between two super powers and taking the punishment — and its ally to the south has been conspicuously absent in coming to its aid.

China positioning itself to supplant America as next superpower: US official

By Lalit K Jha

Washington, Dec 13 (PTI) China is positioning itself to supplant America as the world's next superpower through "economic aggression" and "relentless theft of US assets", the Trump administration has told a powerful Congressional committee.

India: BJP has become 'party of the dead': Yashwant Sinha

Pune, Dec 12 (PTI) Former Union minister Yashwant Sinha on Wednesday slammed the BJP saying it has become a "murdo ki party" (party of the dead), where only two leaders were ruling the roost, while the others were "scared" to challenge them.

He ruled out the possibility of a change in the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) leadership after its losses in the recently concluded assembly polls.

India: Let there be peace in Ayodhya, say academia, locals

By Abhinav Pandey

Ayodhya (UP), Dec 6 (PTI) On the 26th anniversary of Babri Masjid demolition, the academia and locals of Ayodhya are more concerned about education and the nitty gritties of daily lives, even as 'Shaurya Diwas' and 'Yaum-e-Gham' programmes have become "routine affairs" here every year.

Nilay Tiwari, who teaches at Gautam Buddh Government Degree College, says students of the present age value education and do not wish to muddle in the politics of the land.

Making the world hotter: India's expected AC explosion

4 Dec 2018; AFP: Ratan Kumar once battled India's brutal summers with damp bedsheets and midnight baths. Now he is among millions upon millions of Indians using air conditioning -- helping make the world hotter still.

With India's AC market expected to explode from 30 million to a billion units by 2050, the world's second-most populous country could become the planet's top user of electricity for cooling.

For Trump, low drama on trip, signs of acceptance

WASHINGTON (AP) — If there has been a constant to President Donald Trump’s tumultuous first two years in office, it has been that his foreign trips have tended to be drama-filled affairs — the president barreling through international gatherings like a norm-smashing bull, disrupting alliances and upending long-standing U.S. policies. But at this year’s Group of 20 summit, Trump appeared to settle in among his global peers.

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