
Qatar eases exit restrictions on migrant employees in the oil and gas industry

20 Mar 2020; MEMO: Qatar has removed exit visa requirements for an additional segment of its foreign labour force, including some of those working in the oil and gas industry, according to official tweets posted on Friday, Reuters reports.

Qatar in 2018 eliminated exit visas for many foreign migrant workers. But the reform did not apply to domestic workers, government and public institution staff, the oil and gas sector, and workers employed at sea and in agriculture.

Qatar sends first batch of aid to Iran to combat corona

17 Mar 2020; MEMO: Qatar has announced sending the first batch of urgent medical aid to Iran to help it contain the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

A statement issued by the Qatar Fund for Development on Twitter said: “The first package of aid included about six tons of medical equipment and supplies, including surgical masks, sterilisers, and medical disinfectants.”

Qatar Reports 64 New Cases Of COVID-19

DOHA, Mar 16 (NNN-QNA) – A total of 64 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in Qatar on Sunday, the Qatari health ministry said.

“The new confirmed cases thus raise the total number of infections to 401 all over the country,” the ministry was quoted as saying.

The infected cases are being quarantined, receiving full medical care and in a very good health.

THE Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, announced earlier on Sunday, additional measures to control the COVID-19 outbreak.

Qatar Confirms 238 New COVID-19 Cases

DOHA, Mar 12 (NNN-QNA) – Qatar, on Wednesday, announced that, 238 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in the country.

All the new cases detected had interacted with people previously identified as infected.

Qatar, on Monday, announced a nationwide closure of all schools and universities, “until further notice,” amid concerns about the COVID-19.

Qatar’s health ministry had earlier said, it temporarily banned the entry of travellers from 14 countries.

US and Taliban sign deal aimed at ending war in Afghanistan

DOHA, Qatar (AP) — Acknowledging a military stalemate after nearly two decades of conflict, the United States on Saturday signed a peace agreement with the Taliban that is aimed at ending America’s longest war and bringing U.S. troops home from Afghanistan more than 18 years after they invaded in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

U.S.-Taliban set to sign troop withdrawal deal as Pompeo lands in Doha

KABUL/DOHA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed in Qatar’s capital city, Doha on Saturday to witness the signing of a historic deal with Taliban insurgents in an effort to end the 18-year war in Afghanistan.

Pompeo arrived on a flight from Washington and was due to hold a meeting with the Qatari Emir before attending the signing ceremony.

Qatar Agrees To Offer 12 Million USD To Support Gazans

GAZA, Palestine, Feb 22 (NNN-QNA) – Qatar agreed on Friday (yesterday), to offer 12 million U.S. dollars, to support people in the Gaza Strip, Hamas said.

The agreement was reached between Qatar and Hamas, ruler of Gaza, in a meeting held in the coastal enclave, between Qatari Ambassador, Mohammad el-Amadi and Hamas leader in Gaza, Yehya Sinwar.

El-Amadi, who heads the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, arrived in the Gaza Strip on Thursday night, and is scheduled to stay in the enclave for several days, sources in the Qatari committee said.

Qatar Says Saudi Arabia Suspends Negotiations Over Gulf Crisis Without Clear Reasons

DOHA, Feb 20 (NNN-QNA) – Qatar’s deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, said that, Saudi Arabia suspended negotiations with Qatar over the Gulf crisis suddenly, without any clear reasons.

“We were shocked by this sudden suspension, but we look forward to talks based on transparent grounds,” Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said, after a meeting of the European Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee in Brussels.

Sheikh Mohammed pointed out that the crisis caused a huge crack in the Gulf region, that it would take time to rebuild confidence.

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