
PM welcomes ICJ’s decision on Kulbhushan Jadhav -- Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Jul 18 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday welcomed the decision of International Court of Justice (ICJ) and said Pakistan would proceed as per law.

“Appreciate ICJ’s decision not to acquit, release and return Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav to India,” the Prime Minister said in a tweet.

Pakistan arrests US-wanted terror suspect in Mumbai attacks

MULTAN, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani authorities say they have arrested a radical cleric and U.S.-wanted terror suspect blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks, just days ahead of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s trip to Washington.

Counterterrorism official Mohammad Shafiq says Hafiz Saeed was taken into custody in Punjab province on Wednesday while he was traveling from the eastern city of Lahore to the city of Gujranwala.

He said Saeed appeared before a judge and was ordered held in jail until the next hearing.

Pakistan opens airspace for all civilian traffic

New Delhi, Jul 16 (PTI) Pakistan opened its airspace for all civilian traffic on Tuesday morning, sources said, effectively removing the ban on Indian flights that were not allowed to use majority of its airspace since the Balakot air strikes in February

The move is expected to give a major relief to Air India, which suffered a huge financial loss of around Rs 491 crore as it had to re-route its various international flights due to the closure of the Pakistan airspace

Pakistan, India agree on '80 per cent and beyond' on Kartarpur draft agreement

Lahore, Jul 14 (PTI) Pakistan and India agreed "80 per cent and beyond" on the draft agreement and operationalisation of the landmark Kartarpur corridor, a senior Pakistani official said Sunday after a marathon meeting between the officials of the two countries in Wagah.

China Overseas Holding built modern industrial park in Gwadar Port Free Zone

ISLAMABAD, Jul 14 (APP): The China Overseas Ports Holding Ltd has invested nearly US $ 250 million and built a 25-acre modern industrial park in Gwadar port free zone.

The free zone is equipped with roads, water pipes, electricity, communications, security fence and waste disposal facilities, according to a report of here on Sunday.

Positive headway as consensus on 80 pc Kartarpur Corridor issues reached

ISLAMABAD, Jul 14 (APP): The second round of talks between India and Pakistan regarding Kartarpur Corridor for Sikh pilgrims was held here Sunday what Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal said concluded with a positive development as both the sides reached consensus on 80 percent of the issues.

Talking to media at Wagah where the two delegations met, Dr Faisal, also Director General South Asia of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said another round of talks would require to sort out rest of the issues.

Pakistan, Afghanistan resume transit treaty negotiations

Islamabad, Jul 13 (PTI) Pakistan and Afghanistan have resumed the transit treaty negotiations, which collapsed in 2015 after Kabul insisted on including India in the talks, according to a media report.

Pakistan's exports to Afghanistan, which was at its peak at USD 2.4 billion in 2010-11, continued to fall and reached USD 1.3 billion in 2018-19 after the talks between the two sides broke down.

Pakistan will not open airspace until India withdraws fighter jets from forward airbases

Islamabad, Jul 12; GANASHAKTI:  Pakistan has told India that it will not open its airspace for commercial flights until New Delhi removes its fighter jets from forward IAF airbases, Pakistan's Aviation Secretary Shah­rukh Nusrat has informed a parliamentary committee.

Pakistan fully closed its airspace on February 26 after the Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter jets struck a Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist training camp in Balakot following the Pulwama terror attack in Kashmir.

Pakistani mafia uses tactics to pressurise state institutions, judiciary: PM

ISLAMABAD, Jul 13 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan Saturday said just like Sicilian mafia, the Pakistani mafia also used the multiple tactics to pressurize the state institutions and the judiciary to protect their billions of rupees laundered and stashed abroad.

In a tweet, the prime minister shared a media report on a testimony of former Italian president Giorgio Napolitano in a case of bombings and violence in Italy involving mafia to coerce the government in 1990.

Thousands of tourists flock to hilly areas to avoid hot weather during summer vacations

ISLAMABAD, Jul 12 (APP): With summer vacations continue, a large number of tourists from across the country have been flocking hilly spots in the country such as Naran and Murree to spend their vacation in pleasant weather.

The tourists from plain areas of the country have thronged to scenic hilly resorts and lush green valleys in northern parts including Naran and Kaghan valleys of Manshera district and Murree to enjoy summer holidays with children.

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