Turkey on track to be world's 'healthcare hub'

ISTANBUL 06 July 2020; MEMO: Turkey’s healthcare system, growing stronger with each passing day, will make Turkey an international hub for quality medical care, said Turkey's health minister on Saturday.

Speaking at the inauguration of Istanbul’s Kartal State Hospital, Fahrettin Koca said that they expect the public to follow COVID-19 preventative measures more carefully during the normalization period.

"The danger is not yet past, our country and our citizens face this danger until the last case," he said, adding that the latest figures are cause for concern.

He again urged people to consistently wash their hands, wear masks, and maintain social distance.

Since originating in China last December, the pandemic has claimed over 525,500 lives in 188 countries and regions.

More than 11 million cases have been reported worldwide, while nearly 5.9 million patients have recovered so far, according to figures compiled by the US' Johns Hopkins University.