Pelestine: Hamas to hold internal elections in parallel with national elections preparations

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24 Jan 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas is planning to hold its internal elections at the same time as preparing for national elections, Anadolu Agency reported on Friday.

Reporting informed sources, Anadolu Agency said that the Hamas Shura Council turned down a proposal for delaying the internal elections for several months in order to prepare for the national elections.

Last Friday, Palestinian Authority (PA), Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Fatah President Mahmoud Abbas issued a presidential decree ordering the Elections Committee to hold the parliamentarian elections on 22 May, presidential elections on 31 July and the Palestinian National Council on 31 August.

An informed source told MEMO that Hamas had already started its preparations for the internal elections, noting that they are expected to be completed by 25 February.

Other sources informed MEMO that Hamas prisoners inside Israeli jails have already completed their elections. The source did not reveal names because this remains confidential until the end of the elections in Gaza, West Bank and abroad.

The Palestinian factions are holding a joint meeting in Cairo on 5 February to discuss a mechanism that will guarantee the success of the elections.