PA urges UN Security Council to take action against Israel's ethnic cleansing

Pelestinian home demolished

17 July 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority (PA) has urged the United Nations (UN) Security Council and the international community on Friday to put pressure on Israel to rein in its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Jerusalem and Area C.

In a statement, the PA's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced: "The bloody reality on our Palestinian people by the occupation does not only undermine any chance of achieving peace on the basis of the two-state solution, but also turns international positions into mere words devoid of any content."

The ministry accused Israel of waging an open war against Palestinian land, especially in Area C of the occupied West Bank, and against Palestinian existence in the area.

The ministry also warned of: "The dangers and consequences of this bloody reality, which threaten the lives and undermines the movement of Palestinian citizens."

It stated: "Armed settlers and the occupation army often carry out attacks on our people jointly, with the approval and support of the Israeli political level."

The ministry stressed: "This is the time for the international community, led by the UN Security Council, to realise that its statements and stances against settlements and the crimes of the Israeli occupation are not enough. The occupation authorities have been disregarding this type of international reaction."