Patestine: 85-year-old awarded a bachelor's degree

 85-year-old Jihad Buttu

30 Sep 2021; MEMO: Palestinian Jihad Buttu has obtain her bachelor's degree in Islamic Law at the age of 85.

Born in 1936 in the West Bank city of Nablus, she was named Jihad – struggle – in honour of the Palestinian uprising demanding an end to Jewish migration to Palestine.

Jihad attended school in her hometown of Al-Mujaydil near Nazareth until 1948, when the Nakba took place and Palestinians were expelled from their homes by Jewish gangs.

Her mother became very sick the same year and so Jihad was forced to drop out of school.

In 1954, Jihad got married and gave birth to five children. However, her passion to study and learn has never died. She took several language courses in Arabic, English and Hebrew, as well as courses in mathematics.

At the age of 81, she enrolled in a college to obtain a university degree.

"I studied hard and for long hours during the night," Jihad said, obtaining her degree at the age of 85.

"I will teach what I studied to the people around me. What is the benefit of science if I keep it only to myself, I want to teach others so they can benefit as well," the new graduate said.