Palestine Welcomes Europe’s Position Against Israeli Settlement Expansion In W. Bank

Mohammed Ishtaye

RAMALLAH, Oct 26 (NNN-WAFA) – Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammed Ishtaye, yesterday welcomed European position that opposes the expansion of Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

In a press statement, Ishtaye called on both Europe and the United States, “to take firm positions to stop Israeli settlement expansion in Palestinian territories, and to protect the principle of the two-state solution.”

Ishtaye made the remarks, shortly before he started a tour of Europe to earn political and financial support for the Palestinian people.

“International inaction in dealing seriously with Israel’s violations of international laws would encourage Israel to carry out more seizure of Palestinian lands, homes, and properties,” Ishtaye added.

Yesterday, the European Union said in an official statement that, Israeli settlement is illegal, according to international law and represents an obstacle for achieving the two-state solution and making just and comprehensive peace between the two sides.

The statement affirmed that it will not recognise any changes of the borders set before Israel occupied the Palestinian territories in 1967, including East Jerusalem, and called on the Israeli government to stop tenders for settlement buildings.

On Sunday, Israeli media reported that Israel issued tenders for the construction of around 1,355 new housing units, in the existing West Bank settlements, alongside which, the construction of more than 3,000 settlement homes will be advanced this week, in occupied Palestinian territories.

According to Israeli and Palestinian estimates, about 650,000 Israeli settlers live in 164 settlements and 124 outposts in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Israeli settlement is one of the thorniest issues in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and one of main reasons hindering the last round of direct peace negotiations between the two sides.

Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which are claimed by the Palestinians, in the 1967 Middle East war, and has controlled them ever since.