USA: Biden's administration earns "incomplete" in first-year foreign policy for anti-China approach: Los Angeles Times

Joe Biden

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Joe Biden's administration has earned an "incomplete" grade in its first-year foreign policy because of its anti-China approach, said an op-ed published recently on the Los Angeles Times.

In the article titled "Does the Biden administration deserve a passing grade in foreign policy," Gregory F. Treverton, former chairman of the U.S. National Intelligence Council, wrote that "on the Biden administration's first-year report card, its approach toward China earns it an 'incomplete' in foreign policy."

The current U.S. administration is having an illusion that the United States still has a unipolar moment now as the global superpower, but the world has changed, Treverton noted in the op-ed published Sunday.

Describing the "new Cold War" mindset that appears to grip the White House, including the current administration, as "a very unhelpful frame," Treverton wrote that the mentality not only narrows "the scope for cooperation with China," but also "downplays the economic importance of the two countries to each other."

"Political calculations may suggest hyping the 'China threat' to sell measures for renewal at home ... But slogans are not strategy," he stressed.